(a) As per information provided by Government of Kerala, the Vizhinjam International Seaport is located 16 Km South of the capital city of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, which is planned as the first deep water transhipmentport in the country. The main advantages of Vizhinjam Port are natural depth of 18m, proximity of 10 nm to the international shipping route and the minimal maintenance dredging requirements are the key attractions of the port location.
The Government of Kerala (GoK) signed a Concession Agreement with AdaniVizhinjam Port Pvt. Ltd (AVPPL) on the 17th of August, 2015. for development and operation of the Vizhinjam seaport on Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Transfer (DBFOT) basis, for an initial concession period of 40 years. The total estimated cost for the first phase of the project is estimated at Rs.7700 Crores.
Status of construction work as on February 2018 is (i) 600 m length of breakwater (out of 3100 m); (ii) 33 Ha of reclamation (out of 53 Ha) for container yard; (iii) 142 numbers of piles (out of 615 numbers) for 800 m long berth (iv) casting of 2240 number of Accropode-II (out of 17000 numbers) for breakwater etc., have been completed. Concrete pre-casting works of structural members of berth, construction of boundary walls, preliminary works for 2 Km long access road etc., are progressing. External infrastructural facilities like (i) 3.3 MLD water treatment plant (ii) 11 KV, construction power supply etc. have been completed. The land acquisition for road connectivity to NH 66 (proposed) has been completed and the work is progressing.
(b)&(c):Government of Kerala has constituted a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) viz. Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd (VISL), which is responsible for all obligations and responsibilities of the Government of Kerala in respect of the Project as per the Concession Agreement. An Independent Engineer have been selected to monitor the project and to furnish report to the SPV as well as Government that the works are done as per the provisions set forth in the Concession Agreement and Manual of Standards and Specifications are adhered to by the Concessionaire/Authority in implementing the project. The Government of Kerala has also constituted two Committees (i) a Project Implementation Committee & (ii) an Empowered Committee both headed by the Chief Secretary and with-various Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries as member with District Collector, Labour Commissioner etc for the timely intervention and assistance to ensure that the Project is completed at the targeted time by ensuring timely assistance.
(d) As per the Concession Agreement the first phase of the Project is scheduled for commissioning within a period of 1460 days i.e.by 4th December 2019 from the Appointed Date.
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