(a) the details of funds/financial assistance released to the NGOs for various North-Eastern states including Assam during the last three years under different schemes;

(b) whether any mechanism has been put in place to ensure the utilization of funds for the allocated purpose;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) the details of NGOs blacklisted in various States of NER including Assam during the last three years;

(e) whether the Government has made certain improvements in the guidelines for grant-in-aid to the NGOs for different schemes; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region [General (Retd.) V.K. Singh]

(a) Funds released to NGOs for various North Eastern States including Assam during the last three years (2011-12 to 2013-14) under different schemes are as under :-

 S. No.	Name of the Scheme	Amount released (Rs. in Lakh) 1	Advertising and Publicity (A&P)	237.38 2	North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP)	331.46 3	North Eastern Regional Community Resources	324.00	Management Project (NERCORMP) 
(b) and (c) Grants-in-aid to NGOs is regulated as per financial rules and due procedures are followed. Ministry of DoNER examines audited expenditure statement and utilization certificate, day-wise performance report and outcome report on the program / events held under (A&P) Scheme. Under NERLP and NERCORMP, NGOs, hired as Project Facilitation Teams, monitor projects at block level and village level respectively and submit reports to this Ministry.

(d) No NGO has been blacklisted by this Ministry.

(e ) and (f) The guidelines on Advertising & Publicity Scheme were modified for improvement during the year 2008 such as:

(i) A certificate from NGOs of not having been blacklisted by any Ministry / organization.

(ii) Submission of monthly reports, and

(iii) A certificate of non-receipt of funds from any other Ministry / organization to control duplication of funding for the same project.

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