(a) whether the Government provides subsidy in two stages for the installation of solar photo voltaic programme;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government monitored the implementation of the programme;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) the steps taken by the Government to make SPV programme more popular in the country; and

(f) the number of NGOs promoting the said programme and grant given to them during 2002-03, 2003-04 State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Government has been implementing three schemes under its Solar Photovoltaic Programme. These are Solar Photovoltaic Demonstration Scheme, Solar Water Pumping Scheme and Grid Interactive Power Scheme. These Schemes are being implemented through the State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) in their respective states. A few reputed Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are also involved in the implementation of Solar Photovoltaic Demonstration Scheme. Under these schemes subsidy is provided to the users for purchasing / setting up of solar lights, Solar water Pumps, stand-alone and grid interactive power plants etc. The subsidy to the users is routed through the Implementing Agency. The funds to the Implementing Agency are released in two or three stages as per the provisions of the scheme. Under Solar Photovoltaic Demonstration Scheme subsidy to SNAs is released in two stages and to NGOs in three stages. Under Solar Water Pumping Scheme and Grid Interactive Power Scheme subsidy is released in three stages. Releasing subsidy in different stages helps in better monitoring of the programme.

(c) & (d): The Government has set up eight Regional Offices in different parts of the country. The officers from these offices keep interacting with the states in their respective areas on implementation of the programme and also make field inspection of the project sites. The officers from the Head Quarters also make field visits from time to time and hold meetings with the SNAs and other implementing agencies. Further, the government also gets the evaluation of the installed system done by independent professional organisations.

(e): The reduction of the cost and creation of the awareness are the two key issues for making Solar Photovoltaic Systems popular among the people. In order to make these system available to the users at lower cost the Government is providing exemption on excise duty, concessional customs duty and other tax benefits besides providing direct subsidy on select systems. It is also supporting Research and Development projects for reduction of cost and increasing the efficiency of these systems.

The Government has initiated a big publicity campaign for promoting renewable energy, including solar energy, in the country. `Rajeev Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas was celebrated ` through out the country on 20th August 2004 by organizing various activities at district level creating awareness about renewable energy. A seminar of Mayors and Municipal Commissioner was organized on 6th September, 2004 in Delhi on `Renewable Energy for Urban Uses`. On the persuasions of the Government the Government of Andhra Pradesh has issued order to the Municipal corporation, Municipalities and other local bodies making use of solar energy mandatory for some of the applications in urban areas . Other States are also considering to issue similar orders. Leaflets and other publicity material has been prepared on photovoltaics for wide circulation.

(f): The details of the NGOs who are involved in executing the SPV Demonstration scheme and the grants given to them during the years 2002-03 and 2003-04 are given in the Annexure.


Annexure referred to in reply to Part (f) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1093 for 7.12.2004 regarding Promotion of Non-Conventional Energy Sources.

The List of the NGOs involved in the Implementing the SPV Programme During the year 2002-03 and 2003-04

S.No.	Name of the NGO	Grants given to	Grants given to the NGO	the NGO During	during 2003-04(Rs.)	2002-03 (Rs.)
1. World Renewal Spiritual Trust, Mount Abu, Rajasthan 27,48,500/- 8,49,300/-
2. Rama Krishna Mission, Narendrapur, Kolkata, West Bengal 83,85,900/- 1,09,42,500/-
3. All India Women`s Conference, New Delhi 32,59,676/- -
4. Social Work Research Centre, Tilonia Rajasthan. 2,46,73,700/- -
5. LEDeG, Leh Ladakh, J&K 34,85,000/- -
6. Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kerala 33,76,700/- -
7. Andyodaya, Kerala 4,24,500/- 22,53,000/-