Question : Sports Competitions under Khelo India Scheme

(a) whether the Government has started conducting national level sports competitions under the Khelo India Scheme;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the criteria adopted by the Government in the selection of sports talent particularly from the rural areas for the said national level competitions and providing training to them for participating in International sports competitions; and

(d) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to ensure transparency and unbiased selection process of sports talents in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Under the vertical of Annual Sports Competitions of Khelo India Scheme the 1st edition Khelo India School Games were organized in New Delhi, from 31st January 2018 to 8th February 2018 with the participation of 3507 Athletes from 28 States and 7 UTs.

(c) & (d) The Scheme of Khelo India caters to the entire country, including rural areas. Entries of sportspersons, including from rural areas, for participation in the 1st Khelo India School Games, were accepted on the basis of their performance in competitions, organized by the School Games
Federation of India (SGFI), concerned National Sports Federations, etc. In order to ensure transparency in the selection of sporting talents for further grooming under a Long Term Athlete Development Programme (LTAD), the guidelines for talent identification under the Khelo India Scheme provide for talent identification through a three tier structure, comprising of the Talent Identification & Development Committee (TIDC) for each Sports discipline, the Talent Screening Committee (TSC), and the High Powered Committee (HPC).

Under the Khelo India Scheme, talent has been identified in the following manner:
i. Outstanding participants and Medal winners of the 1st Khelo India School Games 2018 (563)
ii. Through Open Selection Trials/Assessment camps by the Talent Identification and Development Committee (TIDC) / Talent Screening Committee (TSC)
iii. During National Championships and from the results of national championships by the Talent Identification and Development Committee (TIDC)/Talent Screening Committee (TSC)
iv. The identified athletes have been subjected to the Age Verification Test and those who have cleared the age verification test have finally been selected for as Khelo India Talent (KIT). 734 such sportspersons have been selected as on date.

The TIDC / TSC members are present for all the talent identification process along with a representative of the concerned NSFs (who is a member of the TIDC). The list of identified athletes are submitted to the TIDC and the final list of those who have been selected and have cleared age verification test is put up to the High Power Committee for final approval/selection.

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