Question : Menace of Stray Animals

(a) the details regarding rate of decrease in the population of animals and increasing rate of human-animal clash, especially attacks on human beings by elephants, stray dogs and monkeys, etc.;
(b) whether the Government received complaints regarding attack of street stray dogs in different parts of the country, if so, the details thereof along with the number of such cases reported during the last two years and the current year;
(c) the national policy on breeding and rearing of different categories of animals like pet animals, domestic-animals, wild-animals, etc.;
(d) whether guidelines have been issued to deal with monkeys, street dogs and other stray cattle in the country and about sterilization of these animals, if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the details regarding permissible methods of sterilization/contraceptive on these animals in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b) Management of wildlife is the responsibility of the concerned State/UT Governments. In respect of stray dogs, Central Government has enacted the Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules, 2001 to control the population of stray dogs through sterilization and immunization of stray dogs to control rabies through local bodies/Panchayats.

There are no reports indicating the rate of decrease in the population of wild animals and increasing rate of human-animal clash, especially attacks on human beings by elephants, stray dogs and monkeys. However, the deaths of human beings by elephant attack are given in Annexure.

(c) The Government has notified Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Dog Breeding and Marketing) Rules, 2017 with the objective to make dog breeders and their marketers accountable and to prevent any cruelty inflicted in this process. Ex situ and In situ conservation of wild animals including breeding in Zoos and Protected Areas of the country are permitted in States and UTs.

(d) &
(e) The Government has enacted the Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules, 2001 and as amended in 2010 mandating the responsibility on the local bodies to carry out Animal Birth Control Programme to control street/stray dog population and for prevention of rabies. This Ministry is implementing the Central Sector Scheme of Birth Control and Immunization of stray dogs through Animal Welfare Board of India by providing grant-in-aid to the animal welfare organisation and local bodies for implementing the animal birth control programme.

The Ministry has issued guidelines in context of human-wildlife conflict to all the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations dated 24th December, 2014 and 1st June, 2015, wherein the States have been requested to take pro-active steps including exercise of powers under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 for mitigation of human-wildlife conflict and also to send proposals to this Ministry, to declare appropriate animals as vermin, specify the area of applicability and period thereof, after objective assessment of the situation.

Further, Ministry has approved a pilot project on the immuno-contraception for controlling the population of wild animals responsible for damage and destruction of crops, namely; elephant, wild boar, monkey, and nilgai.


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