Question : Reviewing the Implementation of SCM

(a) whether the Government has reviewed the implementation of Smart City Mission (SCM) in the selected cities and if so, the present status, city-wise;

(b) the details of funds allocated and utilized in each of the city;

(c) whether the Government has noted the slow progress of works in many cities and if so, the details thereof and the measures taken by the Government in this regard; and

(d) whether the Government has fixed any deadline for completion of the mission and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Yes, Sir. The review of progress of Smart City projects is carried out regularly and at different levels. In the Smart Cities, the implementation of projects is done by the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) created for the purpose which plan, appraise, approve, implement, manage, operate, monitor and evaluate their projects. The progress of Smart City projects is monitored at State/National levels by State Steering Committees/Central Apex Committee respectively. In addition, the progress of projects is regularly monitored by way of review meetings, field visits, regional workshops etc. The Smart Cities report implementation status of projects through the Online-Management Information System (MIS).

As on 11th September 2020, 4,903 projects worth Rs. 1,68,734 crore have been tendered, out of which 4,068 projects worth Rs.1,31,792 crore are under implementation/completed. The State and Smart City-wise status of implementation as on 11th September 2020 is given in Annexure-I.

As per Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines, the Central Government gives financial support to the extent of Rs. 48,000 crore over five years i.e. an average of Rs. 500 crore per city over the Mission period. An equal amount on a matching basis, is to be provided by the State/Urban Local Bodies. Apart from these, around Rs. 42,028 crore (21%) is expected from convergence with other Missions, Rs. 41,022 crore (21%) from Public Private Partnerships (PPP), around Rs. 9,843 crore (4.8%) from loans, Rs. 2,644 crore (1.3%) from own resources and remaining from other sources.

b) As on 11th September, 2020, a total of Rs. 21,053 crore has been released by the Central Government to the States/Union Territories under the Smart Cities Mission, out of which Rs. 15,232.2 Crore has been utilized by the Smart Cities. The State/Smart City-wise details of funds released and utilized as on 11th September 2020 is given in Annexure-II.

c) The overall progress of Smart Cities Mission (SCM) shows strong momentum in project execution. There has been 237% growth in projects tendered, 327% growth in projects grounded/completed and 439% growth in projects completed in the last two years.

d) Smart Cities are expected to complete their projects within 5 years from the date of their selection.


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