Question : Greenfield Airport at Rajkot

(a) whether any pre-feasibility study for the proposed site of Greenfield Airport at Rajkot has been carried out by the Airports Authority of India, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the findings of the pre-feasibility report and studies and surveys required for the purpose;

(c) the clearances and NOCs required for the purpose;

(d) the methodology adopted including funding pattern for the development of Greenfield Airport at Rajkot; and

(e) the time-frame for the completion of the project and cost involved therein?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Jayant Sinha)

(a): Yes, Madam. On the request of the Government of Gujarat, a team of Airports Authority of India (AAI) along with officials of the State Government of Gujarat has conducted a pre-feasibility study at Village Hirasar in Rajkot on 01.12.2016 and submitted its report to the State Government of Gujarat.;

(b): As per pre-feasibility report, development of Airport at proposed site was found to be operationally feasible subject to removal of obstructions (identified during OLS Survey) by the State Government of Gujarat.

(c): Techno Economic Feasibility Study Report (TEFR), Detailed Project Report (DPR), Obstruction Limitation Survey Report and other clearances from Ministry of Defence, Environmental clearances etc. are mandatory for setting up of Greenfield Airport anywhere in the country as per the Greenfield Airport Policy, 2008. Government of India, Ministry of Civil Aviation has granted ''site clearance'' and ''in principle'' approval to the proposed airport at Rajkot on 30.05.2017 and 09.10.2017 respectively. Environmental clearance for the proposed Airport has also been obtained.

(d) & (e) : The Greenfield Airport is developed through call of an EPC mode. AAI shall monitize the land bank of existing Rajkot Airport with the assistance of the State Government for development of new Greenfield Airport at Hirasar, Rajkot. The timeline for construction of airport projects depends upon many factors such as land acquisition, availability of mandatory clearances, financial closure, etc. by the individual operator.

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