(a) Madam, the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of Department of
Telecommunication issues clearances for installation of antennae/towers for
mobile as well fixed telecommunication services. In the case of mobile
telecommunication services i.e. 2G, 3G and BWA-including Internet services,
the department has issued following number of antennae clearances, year-wise.
Sl.No. Year Number of cleared antennas
01 2008 266048
02 2009 326289
03 2010 250920
04 2011 180236
05 2012 24152 (till date)
From the above, it is seen that there has been a declining trend in the
number of antennae/towers installed for the mobile services during the past
two years and thus introduction of 3G and BWA services has so far not caused
any rise in number of towers/antenna during preceding years.
(b) Madam, the most of the towers are being added by the respective telecom
service providers themselves as per their technical and business requirements.
It may so happen that a single tower may be shared by multiple services i.e. 2G,
3G and BWA etc. and by multiple service providers. In view of this, exact estimation
of requirement of towers could no be assessed so far.
However, the Government has set up a fund called USO (Universal Service Obligation)
Fund to provide financial assistance for encouraging he Infrastructure Provider
Companies to set up towers in remote/rural areas of the country. Till 31st Marchâ
2011, a total of 7283 towers out of a total sanctioned number of 7354 towers were
installed and commissioned.
In the second phase, a total of 10,000 more towers have been planned by USO Fund.
(c) to (e) Madam, the expenses to provide power for the operation of telecom
towers/equipment is born by the telecom service providers themselves; therefore,
the Government of India is not required to separately invest for providing power
to these towers.
As stated above, the Government has set up a fund called USO (Universal Service Obligation)
Fund to provide financial assistance for encouraging the Infrastructure Provider
Companies to set up towers in remote/rural areas of various parts of the country.
Till 31st March, 2011, a total of 7283 towers out of a total sanctioned number of
735 towers were installed and commissioned. A total of Rs. 147.2135673 crores were
spent from the year 2008-09 to 2010-2011 under USO Fund.
In the second phase, a total of 10,000 more towers have been planned by USO Fund.