Question : STEEL UNITS

(a) the number of public and private sector companies producing steel in the country, State-wise;

(b) the number of MoU signed between the Government and private companies for setting up of steel plants in the country during the last three years, year-wise, State-wise and company-wise;

(c) whether the production of iron-ore and steel has decreased during the last three years and if so, the reasons therefor;

(d) whether the Government proposes any plans to boost the steel industry and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the details of the net production of iron-ore and per capita consumption of steel in the country during the last three years, year-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Data on the number of public and private sector companies producing steel in the country, state-wise is in Annexure.

(b) Steel is a deregulated sector. The Government does not play a direct role in setting up of steel plants.

(c) Data on domestic production of iron ore and crude steel during the last three years is given below. The data shows a steady increase in crude steel production in the country during this period and though iron ore production has declined in 2012-13 over 2011-12, it has risen in 2013-14 over 2012-13. The decline in iron ore production in 2012-13 may be attributed to the restrictions on mining operations (including exports) in the country in major producing states like Karnataka and Goa.

 Iron Ore and Crude Steel Production (million tonnes) Production Qty	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14 Iron ore (1)	169	136	151 Crude steel (2)	74.29	78.42	81.69 (1): Source: Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Nagpur, (2): Source: Joint Plant Committee ( JPC) 
(d) The Government has taken the following steps to boost the steel industry:

(i) An Inter Ministerial Group (IMG) has been set up in the Ministry of Steel for effective coordination and expediting implementation of various investment projects in the steel sector.

(ii) A Project Monitoring Group (PMG) has been constituted under the Cabinet Secretariat to fast track various clearances/resolution of issues delaying the investments of Rs.1000 crores or more in the manufacturing/infrastructure sector including the steel sector.

(iii) To increase domestic value addition and improve iron ore availability for domestic steel industry, duty on export of iron ore has been increased to 30%. Recently, the Government has imposed export duty @ 5% ad-valorem on export of iron ore pellets.

(iv) Rates of custom duty on stainless steel flat products have been enhanced from 5% to 7.5% in the Union Budget for 2014-15.

(e) Data on production, export, net production after export of iron ore and per capita consumption of total finished steel in the country is given below:-
 ITEM	UNIT	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14 A. Production of iron ore (1)	Million	169	136	151	Tonnes B. Export of iron ore(2)	Million	47	18	16	Tonnes C. Net Production after export	Million	122	118	135	Tonnes D. Per capita consumption of	Kg	58.2	59.3	59.2 total finished steel (3) 
Source: (1) Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Source: (2) Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT), Source: (3) Joint Plant Committee (JPC).

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