Question : National Urban Livelihood Mission

Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has disbursed more than 2000 crores of rupees to the States under the National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) for construction of new shelters;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State and year-wise;
(c) whether the funds allocated has not been utilized by the States for the purposes for which it was disbursed;
(d) if so, whether the Supreme Court has directed the State and Union Government to conduct a C&AG audit in this regard;
(e) if so, whether the Government has conducted the audit; and
(f) if so, the findings thereof and the steps taken or being taken by Government to ensure that the allocated fund is utilized for the said purpose?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) funds are allocated to States/UTs in a consolidated manner out of which appropriate amount is apportioned by States/UTs for Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH), as per their requirements. The funds earmarked by States/ UTs for SUH are spent on new construction, refurbishment and operation and maintenance of shelters.

As on 15.07.2018 a total of Rs. 1995.34 Crore has been released under DAY-NULM. Besides this, the States/UTs had an unspent balance of Rs.907.93 Crore under the ‘Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana’ (SJSRY) at the time of launch of mission, which was to be spent for DAY-NULM.

(b)& (c): The details of funds released by Government and utilized by the States/ UTs under DAY-NULM is at Annexure-I.

(d) Hon’ble Supreme Court, vide its Order dated 13.12.2017, had directed to carry out a special audit, of utilization of DAY-NULM funds by the States of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and West Bengal.

(e) &(f): Internal Audit Wing of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has conducted special audit of three states. It has found out that expenditure, out of the funds transferred by Government of India to these states, has been incurred on various components of DAY-NULM. However, there are still unspent balances with them. These were Rs. 28.67 Crore with Uttar Pradesh, Rs. 32.91 Crore with Haryana and Rs. 6.90 Crore with West Bengal at the time of audit.

Further, in order to ensure that the funds earmarked by the States/ UTs for SUH are utilized for shelters only, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has issued directions to them to keep the funds for SUH in a separate head of account.


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