Question : Outbreak of Coronavirus

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Indians reported to be infected by COVID-19 within the country and also on foreign soil so far;

(b) whether the number of deaths have increased due to COVID-19 in the country, if so, the number of deaths reported within the country so far;

(c) whether the Government has any strategic approach and are medically equipped to combat COVID-19 particularly in the event of an outbreak, if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government has received any proposal from States/UTs including Tamil Nadu and complaints from public about Coronavirus, if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the Government has taken measures to educate the public about this type of communicable virus and face such challenges with scientific support by global intervention, if so, the details thereof; and

(f) whether any separate OPD/hospitals have been made for the treatment of patients affected with Corona virus and if so, the details thereof along with number of such OPDs/hospitals and total number of cases reported and being treated there, State/UT-wise and the action plan to check the effects of Coronavirus?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As on 4th March, 2020, a total of 29 positive cases have been reported in India including 16 Italian tourists on visit to India. Out of this, 3 cases of Indian nationals were reported in Kerala, who have since recovered and discharged from the hospital.

On 1st and 2nd February, 2020, a total of 654 passengers were brought from Wuhan, China and kept for 14 days’ quarantine in Army Camp, Manesar and Indo-Tibetan Boarder Police (ITBP) Camp at Chhawla (Delhi). These evacuees were tested twice, reported negative for COVID-19 and were discharged on 17th and 18th February, 2020.

On 27th February, 2020, 112 persons (76 Indians and 36 foreign nationals) have been evacuated from Wuhan, China and kept for mandatory 14 days’ quarantine at Army Camp, Manesar. 124 (119 Indians and 5 foreign nationals) have been evacuated from Japan and kept for mandatory 14 days’ quarantine at ITBP Camp, Chhawla (Delhi). All these 236 passengers have been tested and reported negative for COVID-19.

(b): Till 04.03.2020, no death has been reported in the country due to COVID-19.

(c) to (f): Government has taken note of the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in China and has initiated steps to monitor the situation in India, as follows:

I. Screening of passengers was initiated in the country since 18th January 2020. Initially airports at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Kochi were covered and subsequently expanded in a total of 21 airports. As per the evolving situation, initially Universal Screening was taken up for all passengers coming via direct flights from China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand and Singapore. Now, directions have also been issued for Universal Screening for all international passengers coming in the country. Signages have been displayed at prominent places in airports and ports, In-flight announcements are being made and self -declaration forms are being filled up by all passengers. As on 4th March, a total of 6,241 flights have been screened covering a total of 6,11,167 passengers. Teams of Specialist doctors were sent to all the airports to ensure effective screening and arrangement for isolation in the attached hospitals. Besides this, screening has been initiated in border crossings. Arrangements have been made for in-flight announcements in incoming flights, filling of self-declaration forms by incoming passengers. Signages have been displayed at prominent locations at ports and airports for guidance and convenience of passengers. First Travel advisory was issued on 17th January 2020 and as situation is evolving, the travel advisories are accordingly getting revised. Extant advisories provide that:
(i) All Regular / eVisas issued to nationals of Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan issued on or before March 03, 2020 and who have not yet entered India, stand suspended with immediate effect.
(ii) Regular / eVisa issued to nationals of Peoples Republic of China issued on or before February 05, 2020 were suspended earlier, which shall remain in force.
(iii) Those requiring to travel to India due to compelling reasons, may seek fresh visa from the nearest Indian Embassy / Consulate.
(iv) Regular / eVisas issued to all other foreign nationals who have travelled to Peoples Republic of China, Iran, Italy, South Korea and Japan, on or after February 01, 2020 and who have not yet entered India, stand suspended with immediate effect.
(v) All foreign and Indian nationals entering into India from any port, are required to furnish duly filled self-declaration form including personal particulars and travel history to Health officials and Immigration officials at all ports.
(vi) Passengers (foreign and Indian) arriving directly or indirectly from China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore must undergo medical screening at port of entry.

II. The government has conducted training for the officers of ports, airports and border crossing points and has sensitized them on management of high risk pathogens such as Ebola and Coronavirus. They have been equipped with personal protective equipment. Additional doctors, nurses and paramedic staff have been deployed at the airports for smooth, effective and convenient screening of passengers.

III. Guidelines on clinical management, infection prevention control, surveillance and sampling etc. have been disseminated to the States and also made available on the website of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The risk is communicated through media including social media.

IV. Government of India has also initiated a series of action to prevent entry of the disease and to contain it. A group of ministers (GoM) consisting of Minister of External Affairs, Minister of Civil Aviation, Minister of State of Home Affairs, Minister of State of Health and Family Welfare, Minister of State of Shipping under the chairmanship of Union Health Minister has been constituted. Meetings of GoM have been held on 03.02.2020, 13.02.2020, 02.03.2020 and 04.03.2020. Cabinet Secretary has taken series of meetings with all related Ministries / Departments such as Health, Defence, External Affairs, Civil Aviation, Home, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Commerce.

V. Central Government has engaged all the State Governments, on a continuous basis, in efforts for management of COVID-19. Cabinet Secretary has also taken meetings with State Chief Secretaries. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is constantly reviewing the evolving scenario. Series of Video Conferences have been held with Chief Secretaries and also with Secretaries, Health of the States / Union Territories (UTs).
VI. Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) has been geared up to track and follow up passengers coming from the affected countries particularly China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nepal, Japan, South Korea, Iran and Italy. Government have made arrangements for testing of samples at the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune and 14 other Viral Research & Diagnostics Laboratories (VRDLs) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in different parts of the Country. Adequate laboratory reagents are available to test samples. Sufficient stock of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) is maintained. A 24x7 Control Room has been activated. Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) of the States /UTs have already been trained in management of MERS-CoV outbreak and Ebola Virus Disease.

VII. The Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) under the Chairmanship of DGHS has held series of meetings to assess the risk and review the preparedness and response mechanisms to manage any case that might get imported to India. World Health Organisation (WHO), being represented in the JMG is providing Ministry with regular updates and technical information.
VIII. Senior officers of the Ministry of Health & family Welfare have been deputed to visit States / UTs to review the management of COVID-19 in each State / UT.
IX. Press releases are being issued on regular basis. Information about travel advisory and other pertinent issues is also being shared on social media.
X. Government of India has advised to all States/UTs to identify health facilities for treatment of COVID-19 cases. Following the advisory, 962 hospitals/health facilities have been identified by the States in the country for treatment of COVID-19 cases. State-wise details of health status of passengers arriving from COVID-19 affected countries, as provided by IDSP for 02.03.2020, is given in Annexure.
Government is monitoring the situation closely.

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