(a) the number of women Judges in the Supreme Court, High Courts and Subordinate Courts, as on date, Court-wise;

(b) the reasons for low representation of women in Judiciary; and

(c) the steps taken to increase women representation in Judiciary?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b) & (c): A statement showing the number of women Judges in higher judiciary is enclosed.

Appointment of Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts is made under Articles 124 and 217 of the Constitution of India respectively, which do not provide for reservation for any caste or class of persons. The proposals for appointment are initiated by the Chief Justice of India and the Chief Justice of the concerned High Court respectively.

The Government has, however, requested the Chief Justice of India to recommend names of women for appointment as Judges in the Supreme Court. Request has also been made by the Government to the Chief Justices of the High Courts from time to time impressing upon them the need to recommend names of women from the Bar, who may be suitable for appointment as High Court Judges.

Under Article 235 of the Constitution of India, the administrative control over the members of the subordinate judiciary in the States vests with the concerned High Court and the State Governments. As such, the information on the number of women Judges in the Subordinate Courts is not maintained centrally.