Question : Problems in Education Sector due to COVID 19

(a) whether the Government has analysed the problems in education sector due to COVID-19;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether it comes to the notice of the Government that the long term online education is not good for the physical and mental health of students;
(d) if so, the initiative taken/ to be taken by the Government to modulate the education system;
(e) whether it comes to the notice of the Government that the educational institution are levying high fees form students without providing the infrastructure facilities during the lock down period and restrictions under COVID-19;
(f) if so, the action taken for providing relief to parents and students;
(g) the modifications made by the Government in educational system in various level during the Covid-19 pandemic; and
(h) whether the Government proposes to remodify the same considering the difficulties of parents and students?

Answer given by the minister



(a): Yes Sir.
(b): A series of interactions have been done by the Ministry of Education, UGC, NCERT, AICTE, CBSE etc. with state ministers, secretaries, students, parents and teachers to understand the situation being faced by students community. A committee formed by University Grants Commission interacted with Vice-Chancellors of different universities to discuss the plans on the restoration of teaching learning and training activities in the campuses keeping in view the social distancing and safety protocols to be maintained for longer periods to keep students, faculty and staff safe and operating the institution. A survey has been conducted by NCERT in the schools of KVS, NVS and CBSE to understand the challenges of digital modes of teaching and learning and these findings are being used to prepare a guideline for Students’ Learning Enhancement.
(c) and (d): Ministry of Education has taken initiative to provide psychological support to students, teachers and families for mental health and wellbeing during the Covid-19 outbreak and beyond. Under the initiative, a web page named Manodarpan has been created on the Ministry of Education (MoE’s) website. The webpage contains advisory, practical tips, posters, videos, do’s and don’ts for psychological support, FAQ and online query system. There is a provision of tele-counseling to address their mental health and psychological issues.
(e) and (f): Education being in the Concurrent List, is the responsibility of both Central and State Governments. So far as fee regulations in various central educational institutions are concerned, they take decisions through their regulatory units such as Finance Committee, Board of Governors, Executive Council etc.

(g) and (h): In order to maintain schedules of institutions, a multi-pronged approach has been adopted leveraging technology to reach the students. SWAYAM and SWAYAM PRABHA are used by colleges, universities to provide learning facilities. The guidelines of Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare containing precautionary measures to ensure safety of students. These are regularly followed in every aspect of conduct of examinations and running of educational institutions.

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