(a) whether the Government is aware that handicapped persons are facing difficulties in obtaining handicapped certificate and pension and there is no clear cut rehabilitation policy in this regard in the country as appeared in the Dainik Jagran dated February 03, 2007;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the remedial measures taken by the Government in this regard; and

(d) the extent of financial assistance and other relief including pension provided to the handicapped persons and the details of the benefits received by them from the Union and State Government, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) The Government has issued guidelines for evaluation & assessment of various disabilities for issue of disability certificates and the States/UTs have constituted medical boards at the district level for issue of these certificates. Camps are being organized at block/panchayat level for the purpose particularly in the remote areas. Necessary guidelines have been issued to the States/UTs to ensure issue of the disability certificates with least difficulty and in shortest possible time. National Policy for Persons with Disabilities has been adopted in February, 2006, which deals with all aspects including rehabilitation.

(d)Disability pension/Unemployment allowance to the persons with disabilities is provided by the State Governments/UT Administrations, details with regard to which are at Annex. I.

Sl.	STATES/UTs	Status regarding grant of	unemployment allowance and	disability pension
1. ANDHRA PRADESH Unemployment Allowance of Rs. 75/- pm. Disability Pension of Rs.125/-pm. 2. CHHATTISGARH Disability Pension of Rs. 150/- pm. 3. DELHI Unemployment allowance of Rs 350/- p.m. 4. GOA Disability pension of Rs.750/- p.m. with 5% annual increase 5. HARYANA Disability Pension of Rs. 600/- p.m. 6. JAMMU & KASHMIR Disability Pension of Rs. 300/- p.m. 7. KERALA Special pension scheme for disabled persons having an annual family income of Rs. 12,000 or less. 8. MIZORAM Disability Pension of Rs. 100/- p.m. 9. MEGHALAYA Disability Pension of Rs. 50/- p.m. 10. NAGALAND Disability Pension of Rs. 100/- p.m 11. ORISSA Disability Pension of Rs. 100/- p.m. 12. PUNJAB Disability Pension of Rs. 250/- p.m Unemployment Allowance of Rs. 150/- to Rs. 600/- p.m. depending upon the educational qualification. 13. RAJASTHAN Disability Pension of Rs. 200 p.m. 14. SIKKIM Subsistence allowance of Rs. 500/- p.m. to 1500 persons with disabilities at any given time due to limited budget. 15. TAMIL NADU Unemployment allowance of Rs. 400/- to Rs. 500/- pm depending upon educational qualification. 16. TRIPURA Unemployment allowance of Rs. 500/- p.m. to blind persons. Blind persons below poverty line are given unemployment allowance of Rs.1000/- p.m. and disability pension of Rs. 300/- p.m. to all disabled persons. 17. Uttar Pradesh Disability pension of Rs. 125/- p.m. 18. UTTARANCHAL Disability Pension of Rs. 400/- p.m. 19. WEST BENGAL Disability Pension of Rs. 500/- p.m. to a fixed number of disabled persons due to limited funds.. 20. A & N ISLANDS Unemployment allowance Rs. 100/- p.m. 21. CHANDIGARH Unemployment allowance of Rs. 150/- to Rs. 400/- p.m. depending upon educational qualification. 22. LAKSHADWEEP Disability Pension of Rs. 100/- p.m. 23. PONDICHERRY Unemployment allowance of Rs. 200/- to Rs. 500/- p.m. depending upon educational qualification.