Question : Centrally Sponsored Schemes

(a) the details of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes and welfare schemes including social security schemes being implemented for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes in the country, State-wise including Uttar Pradesh and Bihar;

(b) whether the aims and targets of these welfare schemes have not been achieved;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(d) the details of the funds allocated and utilized under each of the abovementioned schemes during the last three years, State-wise;

(e) the steps being taken by the Government for the establishment of a Central body and to monitor the projects funded by the Central funds;

(f) whether the Government provides grants to Non-Governmental Organisations/Voluntary Organisations (NGOs/VOs) for implementing the Centrally sponsored schemes, if so, the funds released to such organisations and the utilisation of the said funds during the said period, State-wise; and

(g) whether any irregularity has been noticed by the Government in this regard, if so, the details thereof and the action taken against the NGOs/VOs, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The details of Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Welfare Schemes being implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the welfare of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in the country including in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are given at Annexure-I.

(b) to (d): The target of these schemes are welfare of SCs and OBCs which is a continuous process. The details of funds allocated and utilized during the last three years are at Annexure-II.

(e): The projects and schemes of the Department are monitored through several mechanisms such as:
(i) The schemes/programmes implemented through NGOs are monitored by respective State Governments/UT Administrations.
(ii) Annual inspection of all institutions is done by the State Governments.

(iii) Mandatory submission of Audited Statement of Accounts and UCs duly verified by a Chartered Accountant is required by the grantee organizations.

(iv) Surprise inspection of all NGOs is done by teams of the Central Ministry.

(v) Payment of scholarships are directly made to the Banks/Post Office accounts of the beneficiaries.

(vi) A Steering Committee in the Ministry monitors and reviews regularly, the progress of construction of hostels.

(vii) Fee fixation Committee is in place to regulate the fee claims of the institutions.
(f) : Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) of Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojna, prior to 10-09-2018, funds were released to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) for implementing the projects. The scheme guidelines have been revised with effect from 10-09-2018 under which the NGOs are not eligible for Central Assistance under the revised scheme. Grant-in-Aid released to NGOs and amount utilized by them under the above scheme during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 as follows:
(Rs. in Lakh)
SI. No. Name of State/UT 2016-17 2017-18
Fund Released Fund Utilized Fund Released Fund Utilized
1 Assam - - 75.81 75.81
2 Haryana 244.17 244.17 404.89 404.89
3 Himachal Pradesh 60.00 60.00 - -
4 Maharashtra 1555.79 - 170.55 -
5 Manipur 271.54 - 272.00 -
6 Orissa 53.73 53.73 133.73 133.73
7 Punjab 90.90 - - -
8 Rajasthan - - 126.46 126.46
9 Tripura 57.50 57.50 157.50 157.50
Total 2333.63 415.4 1340.94 898.39

(g): No irregularity has been reported about the misuse of funds of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes during the said period.

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