Question : Schemes for Eco-Tourism

(a) whether the Government has any proposal/sanctioned projects to promote Eco-Tourism in the country and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise;
(b) the details of the status of projects and the steps taken by the Government in various States/UTs to promote eco-tourism including Madhya Pradesh, Delhi/NCR, Uttar Pradesh and North-Eastern States;
(c) whether the Government has any scheme for training in the area of ecotourism to make it popular and made any special efforts for development of Human Resources in the far flung, hilly and backward areas of the country;
(d) the Central financial assistance released to various States/UTs during the last three years along with the details of funds actually spent in this regard, State/UT-wise and year-wise;
(e) whether the Government has received proposals from various State Governments for development and promotion of eco-tourism and if so, the details thereof and the status of such proposals along with the employment and revenue generated therefrom during the last three years; and
(f) whether the Government is considering to provide forest land to start more projects to increase places of tourist interest in hilly areas of the country and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f): Ministry of Tourism has identified Eco circuit as one of the fifteen thematic circuits for development under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme.

The projects under the scheme are identified for development in consultation with the State Governments/UT Administrations and are sanctioned subject to availability of funds, submission of suitable detailed project reports, adherence to scheme guidelines and utilization of funds released earlier. Submission of project proposals by the State Governments and its sanctioning is a continuous process. As per scheme guidelines, the State Governments are required to submit the details of expected employment generation for the projects at the time of sanctioning. The projects under the scheme are at various stages of implementation/completion and details of employment generated can only be calculated after its completion and operationalisation. The projects once complete are expected to enhance tourist experience and increase tourist footfalls which in turn would help to augment revenue and jobs in tourism sector.

The details of projects sanctioned under the scheme including Eco Circuit and expenditure incurred are annexed.

Ministry conducts Awareness/Sensitization programmes for existing service providers in Tourism and Hospitality sector under its scheme of Capacity Building for Service Providers with the objective to improve tourist specific service standards in the country including hilly and backward areas. Training of Naturalists and eco-guides are covered as one of the field under this programme.
For Promotion of Tourism, the Ministry undertakes several promotional activities in the domestic and international markets for promotion of the varied tourism products and destinations of the country including Eco tourism. As part of its marketing/ promotional activities, the Ministry produces publicity material and collaterals in English and foreign languages, annually releases print, electronic and online media campaigns in important and potential markets overseas and within the country under the ‘Incredible India’ brand-line. Promotions are also undertaken through the website and Social Media accounts of the Ministry.

The project under the scheme are sanctioned only after submission of undertaking by the State Government on the availability of land.


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