(a) whether the Government has taken note of high prevalence of various diseases among elderly people in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has drawn any action plan to provide healthcare facilities to the elderly people across the country;

(d) if so, the details thereof indicating the activities undertaken and infrastructure created/being created for the purpose; and

(e) the funds allocated, released and utilised for healthcare of the elderly people during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Yes. The Government is aware of high prevalence of diseases among the elderly people in the country. The National Sample Surveys of 1986-87, 1995-96 and 2004 have shown high burden of morbidity in old age. The National Sample Survey of 2004 (60th Round) provides a comprehensive status of older persons. According to it, the prevalence and incidence of diseases as well as hospitalization rates are much high in older persons than the total population. It also reported that about 8% of older Indians were confined to their home or bed. The proportion of such immobile or home bound people rose with age to 27% after the age of 80 years. Women were more frequently affected Tan men in both villages and cities.

ICMR also conducted a cross-sectional multi-centric community based study of elderly population aged 60 years carried out at ten sites in different States and Union Territories of India. The study has revealed that hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Ischaemic Heart Disease, poor vision, difficulty in hearing, anemia, arthritis, fall/fractures, bowel complaints, urinary complaints, depression, weight loss, asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, TB are common disease among older patients.

(c): Government of India has launched the ‘National Programme for Health Care for the Elderly’ (NPHCE) in 2010-11 to address health related problems of elderly people. The basic aim of the programme is to provide separate and specialized comprehensive health care to the senior citizens at various level of State health care delivery system including outreach services.

(d): The Programme has been initiated in 100 identified districts of 21 States and 8 Regional Medical Institutions. The components of the Programme are (i) establishment of 30 bedded Department of Geriatrics at 8 Regional Medical Institutions (ii) Development of 10 bedded geriatric ward at district hospitals of 100 identified districts (iii) Development of rehabilitation unit and provision of biweekly geriatric clinic at CHC (iv) provision of weekly geriatric at PHC (v) provision of supportive equipments like walking sticks, calipers etc, at Sub Centres.

(e): The details of the Central share of Grants-in-aid released to the States and Regional Institutions, so far, are annexed.