(a) whether Formula One Car Race (F-I) was recently held for the first time in Greater Noida (U.P.) in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the necessary permission was obtained from the Ministry;

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(e) the details of tax exemption given to the organisers; and

(f) the details of direct and indirect facilities extended to the organisers for organising this event?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b)Yes, Madam. The Formula 1 Grand Prix Motor Racing Events were held in Greater Noida from 28th to 30th October, 2011.

(c)&(d)The Government granted permission for holding the event at no cost to Government subject to following conditions:-

i.All requisite approvals for the use of the venue for the holding of the event.

ii.Approval of the State Government for holding of the event.

iii.Clearance from the Ministry of External Affairs.

iv.Approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs from security angle for the participation of foreign teams and other foreign participants.

v.Compliance with applicable regulations governing imports, including payment of custom duty.

vi.Requisite approvals for all foreign exchange remittances related to the event and compliance of all requirements under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.

vii.No advertisement or promotion of Tobacco and liquor in the tournament.

viii.No claim for customs duty or tax exemption or any other exemption as a sporting event.

ix.No foreign participant associated to or connected with the event to visit any restricted or prohibited area in India without prior approval of Government of India.

x.Fulfillment of commitments made in respect of sports promotion, including annual contribution of Rs.10.00 crores (Rupees ten crores) per annum to National Sports Development Fund for the entire duration of the agreement i.e., upto 2015, extendable by another five years. The contribution for 2010 and 2011 to be made upfront.

xi.All other clearances concerning the event, including necessary permission, clearances/approval from FMSCI, FIA and FOA.

xii.That no foreigner will be permitted to visit any restricted/prohibited area in India without prior permission of the Government.

(e)&(f)The information is being collected and wlll be laid on the table of the House.