Question : Computerisation of Postal Services

(a) the details of the proposal for computerisation of entire Postal services and modernisation of present buildings of the country;

(b) whether the Government has received proposals for shifting of Post offices from its existing decades old and ramshackle buildings to new ones; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and the action taken thereon?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details are as under:-

i. All the 25,363 Departmental Post Offices in the country are computerised. The Postal Circle wise list including all States and UTs is enclosed as Annexure-I. The Department has also upgraded 1,29,157 Branch Post Offices in the rural/backward areas of the country by providing Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) based Hand Held Point of Sale Devices, for carrying out online postal and financial services. The Postal Circle wise details including all States and UTs is enclosed as Annexure-II.
ii. A central server based integrated, modular and scalable solution for all the operations of Department of Posts including Banking, Insurance, Mails, Human Resources, and Finance & Accounts has been provided.
iii. There is a provision for “Face lifting of Postal Buildings and Assets” in the Scheme of “Estates Management” under which the postal buildings are modernized by carrying out activities like improving the look and feel of the buildings, installation of Solar Power Panels, construction of Rain Water harvesting Structures etc.

(b) & (c) Yes, Sir. Such proposals are received from time to time. Maintenance and renovation of postal buildings is a continual process. Routine maintenance of the postal buildings is carried out periodically and major repairs and renovation are carried out as and when required under relevant budgetary provisions. Further, when a postal building outlives its life or its condition deteriorates to such an extent that it is beyond repairs even before its life or it is declared dilapidated/unsafe by either Postal Civil Wing or concerned Municipal Authority, the Post Office is shifted to a suitable new accommodation.

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