(a) whether the mining work in Gua iron ore mine has come to a halt since June, 2011;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) the total loss incurred by the Government due to this stoppage in the mining activities in the said mine;

(d) whether the steel production in the Burnpur Steel Factory is also being adversely affected as a result of non supply of iron ore from the Gua iron ore mines;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to restart the mining activities in this mine at the earliest?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(f): Yes, Madam. Mining work at Gua ore mines under the Durgaiburu Mining lease was suspended with effect from 15th June, 2011 for want of Forest Clearance (FC). Since then, Stage-I forest clearance along with one year working permission has been granted by Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) on 14.08.2012. The entire process of obtaining Environmental Clearance (EC) as per the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification 2006, has been completed, however, formal grant of EC had been withheld by MoEF pending FC.

The non-supply of iron ore from Gua to IISCO Steel Plant (ISP), Burnpur was made up by supplying iron ore from other mines of Raw Materials Division (RMD) of SAIL.

A copy of the Stage-I FC has already been furnished to the Impact Assessment (IA) Division of MoEF on 16th August, 2012 for issuance of formal grant order of EC. After grant of EC and consent under Air & Water Act by the State Pollution Control Board, mining operation will be resumed at Gua iron ore mine.