Question : Skilled Indian Students

(a) whether the Government is committed to retain the skilled Indian students, passing out of the Premier Educational Institutions of the Country such as IIT and IIM; and

(b) the steps taken by the Central Government to attract the non-resident Indians (NRI) research scholars, back to India, to pursue their R&D interests in Indian Institutions during the past three years?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b) : The Government is committed to not only retain the students passing out of the premier educational institutions in the country, but also attract the non-resident Indians back to the Country. Under the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship scheme, attractive fellowship is offered to selected students to pursue their Ph. D. in Indian Institutes. The Government has sanctioned establishment of Research Parks at IITs- Madras, Bombay, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar and IISc Bangalore to augment the research ecosystem in the Country to enable the students to pursue their R&D interests in India. IIT – Incubation Centres (IC) seeks to nurture technology and knowledge based ventures through their start-up phase by providing the necessary support to help entrepreneurs survive in the competitive market and reach a stage where they can scale-up their ventures further. The IIMs encourage their students to set up Start-ups, to take jobs in teaching or in industry and to do research in the Country. This Ministry had also launched Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN) which seeks to tap the talent pool of scientists and entrepreneurs from abroad, including those of Indian origin, to augment the country’s existing academic resources. All IIMs have PhD programme or Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) to enable students, including NRI students, to do research in the field of management.

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