Question : Projects under Digital India Scheme

Will the Minister of Electronics & Information Technology be pleased to state: -

(a) whether specific projects under the Digital India scheme are functioning in Andhra Pradesh and if so, the details thereof along with the amount earmarked for them;

(b) whether the Outcome Budget for 2018-19 plans to train around 40,000 students in various skills like Electronics and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA), Chip to system etc.; and

(c) if so, the details thereof along with the institutes selected to provide such training?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a): The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India has initiated the ‘Digital India’ programme with the vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Digital India is an umbrella programme that covers multiple projects of various Central Ministries/Departments & States/UTs and is being coordinated by MeitY. Each project has its own budgetary requirement and accordingly project-plan has been charted out by the implementing departments.

Some of the key initiatives undertaken under Digital India programme in the State of Andhra Pradesh are as follows:

• BharatNet: The BharatNet project is being implemented for providing broadband connectivity to all Gram Panchayats (approx. 2,50,000) in the country including Andhra Pradesh. As on, 04.03.2018, a total of 1,188 Km. OFC has been laid connecting 355 Gram Panchayats under phase-I. Telecom Commission has approved the implementation of Phase-II of the project for Andhra Pradesh under state-led model at an estimated cost of Rs. 851.23 crore.
• State Wide Area Network (SWAN): Under this Scheme, technical and financial assistance are being provided to the States/UTs for establishing SWANs to connect all State/UT Headquarters up to the Block level via District/ sub-Divisional Headquarters, in a vertical hierarchical structure with a minimum bandwidth capacity of 2 Mbps per link. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 197.35 crore. State Wide Area Network (SWAN) has been made operational in Andhra Pradesh utilizing more than 60% of bandwidth of the existing link capacity.
• State Data Centre (SDC): Under the SDC Scheme, establishing Data Centres in all the States/UTs has been proposed to consolidate services, applications and infrastructure in order to provide efficient electronic delivery of Government to Government (G2G), Government to Citizen (G2C) and Government to Business (G2B) services. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 55.75 crore. SDC has been made operational in Andhra Pradesh and utilizing more than 50% of the SDC infrastructure (percentage of rack space).
• e-District: The e-District Mission Mode Project (MMP) aims to provide high volume citizen centric services which are delivered from the district or sub-district level and are currently not covered by any other MMP. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 61.44 crore. e-District services are live in all the districts of Andhra Pradesh.
• State Services Delivery Gateway (SSDG): The State Portal, SSDG and E-Forms project aims at creating a State Portal, secure middleware for every state/UT to offer convenient and easy e-services to citizens. This project leverages the existing e-Governance infrastructure like CSCs, SDCs and SWANs. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 13.57 crore. SSDG has gone live in Andhra Pradesh.
• Common Services Centre (CSC) 2.0: MeitY has initiated a project namely “Common Services Centre (CSC) 2.0” in August, 2015 at a total project outlay of Rs. 475.11 Cr for a period of four years, which aimed to set up at least one CSC at Gram Panchayat (GP) level to cover all the 2.5 lakh GPs across the country including the State of Andhra Pradesh. The key objective of CSCs is to deliver various citizen centric services, such as, Government to Citizen (G2C), Business to Citizen (B2C) services, financial inclusion services, educational services, skill development services etc.
Till February, 2018, there are 2,92,481 Common Services Centres (CSCs) functioning across the country, of which, 1,83,184 CSCs are at Gram Panchayat (GP) level. In the State of Andhra Pradesh, there are 7,951 Common Services Centres (CSCs) functioning across the State, of which, 4,391 CSCs are at Gram Panchayat (GP) level.
• e-Hospital Management System with Supply Chain Management(eHMS): The project focuses on to create and maintain unique Electronic Medical Record for each patient. eHMS has the functionalities of Integrated Hospital Management System, Disease Surveillance Management Information System and Healthcare Planning. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 14.48 crore. Supply Chain Management (e-Aushadhi) and Hospital Management System (e-Susruth) have been made operational.
• e-Prisons: e-Prisons project intends to implement a Video Conference System and Prison Information Management System for linking the police and the courts. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 5.87 crore. It is implemented in 25 prisons.
• e-Spice Bazaar: e-Spice Bazaar is the first ever e-commerce platform where the spices traders (Farmers & Buyers) directly interact with each other. Also, it is the full fledge online market place where buyers buy the spices directly from the farmers authenticated by the Spices Board of India. The total approved outlay of the project is Rs. 10.47 crore.
• Enabling Schools with Smart Virtual Class Room: The project “Enabling Schools with Smart Virtual Class Room Facility – Phase - I” with a total project outlay of Rs. 94.07 Cr has been approved by MeitY, GoI. The complete duration of the project is of 3 years. The objective of the project is to set-up smart virtual class room facilities in 3500 Govt. owned / controlled schools plus 50 DIET in seven pilot states of Himachal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tripura, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu with the focus to improve the quality of education to students from remote/ rural part of the country. In State of Andhra Pradesh, total 280 schools & 4 DIETs have been covered under this project.
• Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS): To offset disability and attract investments in Electronic manufacturing, Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS) was launched by the Government of India. The scheme mainly provides 20-25% subsidy for investments in capital expenditure for setting up of an electronic manufacturing facility (20% for SEZ Units and 25% for non-SEZ Units). 4 applications have been received under M-SIPS to set up manufacturing units in Andhra Pradesh.
• Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan’ (PMGDISHA) Scheme: The Government has approved a scheme titled “Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan(PMGDISHA)" in February, 2017 to usher in digital literacy in rural India by covering 6 crore rural households (one person per household) by 31st March, 2019. The total outlay of the Scheme for the State of Andhra Pradesh is Rs. 60.84 crore. So far, 2,10,065 citizens have been trained under the scheme.

(b) and (c): Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India envisaged to ensure availability of trained human resources for the manufacturing & service sectors of electronics and IT industry. Initiatives include identifying gaps emerging from the formal sector and planning programmes in non-formal and formal sectors for meeting these gaps. This includes Skill Development in the domain of Electronics & IT and related areas. The following schemes/activities targeted to Human Resource Development for Electronics and ICT sector have been approved:

• Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT: MeitY has initiated Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme in ESDM and IT/ ITES areas to give thrust to Research & Development, create an innovative ecosystem and enhance India’s competitiveness in these knowledge intensive sectors. The Scheme was initiated in the Year 2014 with a budget outlay of Rs. 466 Crores for nine years. So far, a total of 1151 PhD fellowships (968 full-time and 183 part-time) and 64 Young Faculty Research fellowship are awarded under the scheme in 91 academic institutions covering all Central Universities/ Institutions & Colleges/ Institutions of National importance/ State Universities/ Deemed Universities/ Institutions across the country.
• Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Project Phase-II: The Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Project Phase-II was approved in the year 2014 with an objective of capacity building in the area of Information Security, training of Government personnel and creation of mass Information Security awareness. The project aims to train more than 1 lakh candidates in various formal/non-formal courses & more than 13,000 Government officials by March 2020. The academic activities under the project are implemented by 52 institutions including IISc. Bangalore, 6 IITs, 15 NITs, 5 IIITs, 7 Govt. Engineering Colleges, select centres of CDAC/NIELIT and 5 Technical Universities. Under the project, so far, 28,069 candidates have been trained/under-going training in various formal/non-formal courses and 4,457 Government officials have been trained in various short term courses of 2/3/5 days duration in the area of Information Security. For the FY 2018-19, it is envisaged to train 15,000 candidates in various formal/non-formal courses in the area of Information Security.
• Scheme of Financial Assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies: Under the ‘Scheme of financial assistance for Setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies’; MeitY has set up seven academies at (i) IIT Guwahati (ii) IIT Kanpur (iii) IIT Roorkee (iv) IIITDM Jabalpur (v) (iii) NIT Patna (vi) MNIT Jaipur. These Academies are aimed at faculty/mentor development and up gradation to improve the employability of the graduates, diploma holders in various streams, through collaboration of States/Union Territories. So far, 13,220 participants have been trained under 347 Faculty Development Programs (FDPs). It is envisaged to train 10,000 faculty in FY 2018-19.
• Special Manpower Development Programme for Chips to System Design (SMDP-C2SD): The umbrella programme “Special Manpower Development Programme for Chips to System Design (SMDP-C2SD)” has been initiated under Digital India Programme in December 2014 for duration of 5 years with an outlay of Rs. 99.72 Crore. The programme aims to train 50,000 number of specialized manpower (i.e. 10,000 number of specialized manpower per year) in the area of VLSI design and also inculcate the culture of System-on-Chip/System Level Design at Bachelors, Masters and Research level. It is envisaged to train 10,000 number of specialized manpower in the Financial Year 2018-19 at Bachelors, Masters and Research level in the area of VLSI design and System-on-Chip/System Level Design. The programme is being implemented at 60 academic/Research & Development institutions spread across the country including IITs, NITs, IISc, IIITs, CEERI Pilani etc.


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