(a) the details of naxal attacks reported, the number of civilians and security Personnel killed/injured and the naxalites arrested/killed during the current year, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether there are reports of external/foreign assistance to naxalites in the country;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto;

(d) whether the Government proposes to adopt an integrated approach and enact an exclusive legislation on the naxal issue and;

(e) if so, the details thereof and the other measures initiated by the Government to deal with naxalism in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a): The state-wise details of incidents of LWE violence, civilians killed, security forces personnel killed, maoists killed and maoists arrested during the current year (up to 07.07.2014) are annexed. The details of civilians and security forces personnel injured are not centrally maintained.

(b) & (c): No specific intelligence inputs are available to indicate that the maoists/ naxalites are getting external/foreign assistance in the country. However, the CPI (Maoist) party have close links with foreign maoist organizations in Philippines, Turkey etc. The outfit is also a member of the Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia (CCOMPOSA). The maoist parties of South Asian countries are members of this conglomerate. Besides, Left Wing Extremist (LWE) groups have participated in conferences/ seminars conducted in Belgium and Germany. The so-called ‘People’s War’ being waged by the CPI(Maoist) against the Indian State has also drawn support from several maoist fringe organisations located in Germany, France, Holland, Turkey, Italy etc.

The recovery of arms and ammunitions of foreign origin from the Left Wing Extremists in different encounters / operations is an indication of the fact that they are procuring weapons from different sources also. Moreover, the possibility of some front organizations of the CPI(Maoist) clandestinely getting foreign funds cannot be ruled out. Inputs also indicate that some senior cadres of the Communist Party of the Philippines imparted training to the cadres of CPI(Maoist) in 2005 and 2011.

The Government is closely monitoring the situation and taking appropriate action as required. Such matters, as and when they come to the notice of this Ministry, are taken up with the Ministry of External Affairs, who take up the issue with the countries concerned at the diplomatic level.

(d) & (e): The Central Government has a four pronged strategy to tackle LWE insurgency - Security Related Measures; Development Related Measures; Ensuring Rights & Entitlements of Local Communities and Public Perception Management, wherein it supplements the efforts of the State Governments.

In security related interventions, apart from directly deploying Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), the Government of India provides assistance for capacity building of the states through schemes like the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme, the Special Infrastructure Scheme(SIS), the Construction/Strengthening of Fortified Police Stations Scheme etc. In addition, other security related interventions include providing helicopters to States, setting up of Counter Insurgency and Anti Terrorism (CIAT) schools, assistance to raise India Reserve Battalions (IRB), modernization and upgradation of the State Police and their Intelligence apparatus under the Scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces (MPF scheme) etc.

On the development front, the Central Government is implementing special schemes for LWE affected areas like the Additional Central Assistance (ACA) Scheme (in place of old Integrated Action Plan), the Road Requirement Plan-I (RRP-I) etc.

To ensure Rights & Entitlements of local communities, the Central Government has enacted the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 to recognise and vest the forest rights and occupation in forest land in forest dwelling scheduled tribes and other traditional forest dwellers, who have been residing in such forests for generations, but whose rights could not be recorded. The Rules were notified on 01.01.2008 have been further amended on 06.09.2012 to ensure better implementation. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs have also issued comprehensive guidelines on 12.07.2012 on issues relating to implementation of the Act.

Under Public Perception Management, the Central Government is implementing the Media Plan to convey the Government’s view to the people of LWE affected areas through the Media.

It is the belief of the Government of India that a combination of calibrated police action, focused development efforts and improvement in governance are the effective instrumentalities to combat LWE insurgency in the long-term.

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