(a) whether his Ministry has finalised the norms, rules and regulations for Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana and Nirmal Bharat Yojana;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the details of plans and objectives thereof;

(d) the manner in which the scheme is likely to be implemented;

(e) the budgetary provisions for the year 2001-2002 in this regard;

(f) the provisions made and target fixed for the next Five Year Plan thereunder;

(g) whether the Government have considered to support such schemes which are under implementation in Mumbai, Pune and other places in the country;

(h) if so, the details thereof; and

(i) the likely role of NGOs under the scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(d): The details of the scheme of Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana containing the norms, objectives, manner of implementation etc. including the component of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan are given in the Annexure.

(e)&(f): An amount of Rs.69 crores has been approved in the revised estimates for 2001-2002. The information regarding the approved budgetary provision for the 10th Five Year Plan has not been received by this Ministry.

(g)&(h): The Central Sanctioning Committee for Valmiki Ambadkar Awas Yojana considered the project proposals of the Governments of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Rajasthan, Delhi and Chhattisgarh. Some of the proposals were approved by the Committee. No proposal in regard to the cities of Mumbai and Pune has been received in this Ministry.

(i): Non-Government Organizations with proven good track record, wherever applicable may be associated with the construction of dwelling units as also can be entrusted some role in the areas such as motivation, supervision, guidance and monitoring.




Shelter is a basic human requirement. For a shelterless person, getting a house brings about a profound social change in status and welfare, endowing him with an identity and integrating him with his social milieu. The provisional estimates made from 2001 Census indicate that while India is urbanising markedly, slums in urban India are increasing alarmingly. The slum population in urban India is estimated to be about 62 million.

There is at present no housing scheme in the Central Sector for the urban poor. There are two Central Sector programmes targeted towards the urban poor, namely the SJSRY and NSDP. The SJSRY attempts to provide employment in order to bring the urban poor above the poverty line while NSDP is basically a programme for the environmental improvement of urban slums. The urban poverty alleviation strategy is incomplete without a significant component pertaiining to housing delivery for the slum dwellers.

In order to fill this gap in a major policy initiative, the Prime Minister of India announced a new Centrally Sponsored Scheme called the Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY) on the 15th August, 2001 to ameliorate the conditions of the urban slum dwellers living below poverty line.

The objective of VAMBAY is primarily to provide shelter or upgrade the existing shelter for people living below the poverty line in urban slums in a march towards the goal of slumless cities with a healthy and enabling urban environment. The target group under the VAMBAY will be all slum dwellers in urban areas who are below the poverty line including members of EWS who do not possess adequate shelter.

Another very important basic amenity for slum dwellers especially in congested metropolitan cities is the lack of rudimentary toilet facilities. A new National City Sanitation Project under the title of `Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan` is an integral sub component of VAMBAY. 20% of the total allocation under VAMBAY will be used for the same at the rate of Rs.200 crores as loan from HUDCO and Rs.200 crore as subsidy. The State Governments/Local Bodies of course will be free to supplement this amount with their own grant or subsidy as the case may be. The average cost for a community toilet seat has been estimated to be Rs.40,000/- per seat. Therefore, a 10-seat or a 20-seat toilet block meant for men, women and children with separate compartments for each group and special design features will cost around Rs.4 lakhs or Rs.8 lakhs respectively. Each toilet block will be maintained by a group from among the slum dwellers who will make a monthly contribution of about Rs.20 or so per family and obtain a monthly pass or family card.

During the current financial year, 2001-02, a modest beginning may be made with a limited sum of Rs.100 crore made available out of the savings of the Ministry of Urban Development. However, during the 10th Plan period when VAMBAY will be launched in full swing, the annual allocation will be Rs.1000 crores which will be matched with a long-term loan by HUDCO of Rs.1000 crore on a 1:1 basis. The rate of interest of this loan will be the same as the rate of interest charged by HUDCO for EWS housing. State Government has the option to mobilize its matching portion of 50% from other sources, such as their own budget provision, resources of local bodies, loans from other agencies, contributions from beneficiaries or NGOs etc. In all cases, however, the Government of India subsidy will only be released after the States matching share of 50% has been released. Both the subsidy and the loan (when it is required) will be released by HUDCO. The funds will be released by HUDCO either to the State Urban Development Agency (SUDA), District Urban Development Agency (DUDA) or any other agency designated by the State Government.

The implementation of VAMBAY will be dovetailed and synergised with other existing programmes such as NSDP and SJSRY. The availability of drinking water, sanitation and drainage facilities should be ensured under these programmes. On an average, 25% of the funds under the scheme will be spent for providing water and sanitation facilities including approximately 20% of the amount for community sanitation project - Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan.

Selection of beneficiaries will be made by the SUDA/DUDA in consultation with the local authorities. Help of reputed NGOs may be enlisted. They will also formulate projects, prepare estimates and submit the same for sanction to the State Government which will in turn recommend them to the Government of India for release of funds allocated for each State.

In selecting the beneficiaries the following reservation/percentage will be followed:

1.	SC/ST	- not less than 50%	2.	Backward classes	- 30%	3.	Other weaker sections	- 15%(OBC,BC,Etc.)	4.	Physically & mentally	- 5%	disabled & handicapped	persons and others

After identification of the beneficiaries, the latter must be provided title as a pre-condition for the loan or subsidy. This may be done by the State Government/Local Body either by regularization in-situ or by relocation. The title to the land should be in the name of the husband and wife jointly or preferably in the name of the wife. Till the repayment of the loan, if any, the house built with VAMBAY funds along with the land shall be mortgaged to the State Government/implementing agency. It may please be noted that no provision is made for land acquisition in VAMBAY. No hard and fast type/design is prescribed for VAMBAY dwelling units. However, the plinth area of a new house should normally be not less than 15 sq.mts.

The upper financial limit for construction of VAMBAY units normally will be Rs.40,000/- with provision for sanitary toilet also. However, for metro cities with more than 1-million population, it will be Rs.50,000/- and mega cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore) it will be Rs.60,000/- per unit. In hilly and difficult areas this ceiling may be enhanced by 12.5%. A portion, say, 20% of the funds may be used also for upgrading existing dwelling units in slums. The upper limit for upgradation of an existing unit shall not be more than 50% of the ceiling specified for construction of a new house. The norms for Town & Country Planning of the State Government and the rules and bye-laws of the Local Bodies should, of course, be kept in view.

Monitoring of VAMBAY will be done by the State Government and status report submitted to GOI regularly.

Entitlement of State/UT under VAMBAY will be initially determined on the basis of slum population in the State or UT. The State Governments are required to allocate the share for cities and towns within the State/UT also on the same norm i.e. in proportion to the slum population as a percentage of the total slum population of the State.

The detailed proposals with cost estimates will be processed and submitted by HUDCO to a Committee headed by the Secretary, Deptt. of Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation, Minisitry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation. If, however, sufficient proposals under VAMBAY are not forthcoming from some of the States, the balance funds can be reallocated to other States which have submitted their proposals.