Question : Health Protection Scheme

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government plans to roll out a centrally sponsored ''Health Protection Scheme'' which will replace several of the existing Government supported health schemes including Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, if so, the details thereof and the objective behind the move;

(b) the estimated amount to be allocated for this purpose and the ratio of amount that the Union Government and the State Government contribute per family per annum;

(c) whether the beneficiaries under the scheme will be listed not merely on the basis of income but also based on deprivation and identified occupational categories as per the socio economic caste census, if so, the details thereof and the objective thereof; and

(d) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government to streamline and address problems of overlapping of beneficiaries and benefit packages under different schemes?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): The Hon’ble Finance Minister, in his Budget Speech for 2016-17 on 29.02.2016, announced that “Government will launch a new health protection scheme which will provide health cover up to Rs. One lakh per family. For Senior Citizens of age 60 years and above, belonging to this category, an additional top-up package up to Rs. 30,000 will be provided”.

A proposal in this regard is under consideration of the Government.

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