Question : Attack on Fishermen

(a) whether the Sri Lankan Navy has attacked Indian fishermen and arrested them on charges of fishery related violations during each of the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, the number of fishermen attacked / arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy during the said period;

(c) whether the Indian Government has taken up the said matter with the Sri Lankan Authorities through diplomatic channels during the said period;

(d) if so, the details and outcome thereof along with the number of such fishermen released during the said period; and

(e) the other steps taken / being taken by the Government to curb such incidents in future?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) & (b): Instances of Indian fishermen apprehended for alleged fishing in Sri Lankan waters have been reported from time to time. The number of fishermen arrested during the last three years and the current year are given below:
S. No. Year No. of fishermen arrested

1. 2014 787
2. 2015 454
3. 2016 290
4. 2017
(till 3rd August) 215

(c) to (e): As soon as reports of apprehensions of Indian fishermen are received, Government through diplomatic channels, immediately and consistently takes up the matter with the Government of Sri Lanka. With sustained diplomatic efforts, Government could secure release of 200 fishermen from Sri Lankan custody in 2017.
The details of fishermen released in the last three years are given below:
S. No. Year No. of fishermen

1. 2014 1045

(273 of 2013, 772 of 2014)
2. 2015 375
3. 2016 333

(94 of 2015, 239 of 2016)
4. 2017
(till 3rd August) 251

(51 of 2016, 200 of 2017)

To prevent such incidents, Indian Coast Guard conducts Community Interaction Programmes to sensitize fishermen among other issues on the perils of cross border fishing. Regular surveillance sorties and patrols by Indian Coast Guard / Indian Naval ships & aircrafts are undertaken to protect Indian fishing boats from crossing International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). The surveillance efforts are supplemented by shore based surveillance through ‘Chain of Static Sensors’.

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