Question : Funds to NGOs under FCRA

(a) the total number of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) registered under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA) and the total funds received from abroad during each of the last three years and the current year, Statewise;

(b) whether the Government is periodically monitoring the utilization of funds by NGOs in the country and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has received complaints with regard to misutilisation of foreign funds and violation of FCRA rules by NGOs and if so, the details thereof and the action taken against them during the said period, NGO and State-wise;

(d) whether the Government has cancelled the licences of some NGOs receiving foreign funds under FCRA and found to be involved in illegal activities and if so, the details thereof along with the total number of FCRA registrations cancelled during the said period, NGO and Statewise;

(e) whether the Government has any proposal to make key changes in FCRA rules and if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken by the Government to ensure proper utilization of funds by NGOs; and


LS.US.Q.No.811 FOR 07.02.2017

(f) the other steps taken by the Government to check proper utilization of
foreign funds by NGOs and to regulate the donations and foreign funds received by NGOs in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As on 31.12.2016, over 33,300 associations/NGOs are registered under FCRA. Year wise amount of Foreign contribution received during previous three years (as per annual returns submitted by the associations/NGOs) is given below:-
Year Amount of Foreign contribution received
( in Rs. Crore)
2013-14 13092
2014-15 14525
2015-16 17,208

Statewise Information of total funds received from abroad during each of the last three years, are available on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(b): The Government has been monitoring the utilization of funds through Annual returns and other documents that the organizations are required to file online.
(c): Complaints with regard to misutilization of foreign funds and violation of Foreign contribution (Regulation) Act and Rules made there

LS.US.Q.No.811 FOR 07.02.2017
under are examined in consultation with the security and investigating agencies. Appropriate action as per law is taken including cancellation of Registration certificate. Information about cancellation of registration certificates is available on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(d): Yes, Madam. Number of total FCRA registration certificates cancelled for violation of provisions of the FCRA during each of the last three years is given below:-
Year No. of FCRA registration cancelled
2014 59
2015 10,020
2016 02

The details of cancellation of registration certificates is available on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(e): No, Madam.
(f): A monitoring unit in the FCRA Wing has been designated to monitor the receipt and utilization of foreign contribution through monitoring the annual returns submitted by the Associations receiving foreign contribution.

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