Question : Safety in Coal Mines

(a) the details of guidelines issued by the Government for ensuring safety in coal

(b) whether accidents have occurred time and again due to large scale vertical
extraction of coal during the last three years and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether any cap/limit has been fixed for vertical extraction of coal and if so, the
details thereof;

(d) the details of international guidelines, if any, laid down in this regard; and

(e) whether the Government''s policies conform to the said guidelines and if so, the
details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(e): As per the information furnished by office of Directorate General of Mines Safety, a statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) in respect of Lok Sabha Question No. 111 for reply on 9th February, 2017 asked by Shrimati Rekha Verma, MP and Shri Hari Manjhi MP regarding Safety in Coal Mines

(a) For ensuring safety in coal mines of the country adequate provisions are made under the Mines Act-1952 and the Rules & Regulations framed there under including several other important safety statutes applicable to coal mines of the country. These safety statutes are administered by the Directorate-General of Mines Safety (DGMS), under the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment (MOLE).

Apart from administering the Mines Act and the subordinate legislations framed there under, DGMS also administers other allied legislation, including relevant part of the Indian Electricity Act – 2003 and Central Electricity Authority (measures related to safety & supply) Regulations – 2010 framed there under (amended up to 2015).

Further, the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) (formerly Department of Explosives) administers the Explosive Act- 1884 and the Explosives Rules – 2008 framed there under, which is also applicable to coal mining industry.

DGMS also issues technical and general circulars from time to time on various subjects related to mine safety for improving safety standard of mines. Standing Committee of Parliament on Coal & Steel also reviews safety matters in coal mines. Apart from the statutory provisions, recommendations/guidelines of National Safety conferences and Standing Committee on safety in Coal mines are issued and complied at mine level.

(b) There have been few landslides/ slope failure in coal mines. The year wise details of such occurrences in last three years is enclosed in the Statement.

(c): Regulation 98(3) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 stipulates the precautions that shall be observed to prevent landslides due to extensive vertical mining of coal. As per the provisions of this regulation, the bench slope shall either be kept at an angle of safety not exceeding 45 degrees from the horizontal, or the sides shall be kept benched and the height of any bench shall not exceed three meters and the breadth thereof shall not be less than the height. However, special permission may be obtained from the DGMS if maintenance of bench slope is not reasonably practical as per the provision.

Vertical extraction of coal is not being practiced in the opencast mines of CIL and its subsidiaries. All opencast mines of Coal India Ltd (CIL) and its subsidiaries are being strictly operated as per the stipulated conditions laid down in the DGMS permissions. The height, width and slope angle of Over Burden (OB) benches, coal benches & OB Dump etc. are stipulated depending upon the site specific geo-mining conditions as well as mining method, technology / equipment being engaged for excavation of coal for which prior operating permission is obtained from DGMS.

(d)&(e): Guidelines regarding vertical mining of coal are country specific, based on the geo-technical parameters of the coal and socio-economic conditions.


With reference to the reply given to part (b) of the question.
Number of Occurrence of landslide/ slope failure
Name & address of the mine (Region) Name of the owner Date/ Year of occurrence Cause of landslide/ slope failure Casualties
Amalgamated Konar Khasmahal OCP , Bokaro, Jharkhand M/s CCL 06.03.2016 Top over burden bench of 10m high for a length of 35m collapsed from a height of 28m due to local hidden slip of circular shape. Nil
Khadia OCP, Sonebhadra, UP. M/s NCL 13.05.2015 Internal dragline overburden dump failed over a length of 130m resulting burying of 2 dozers, 1 excavator & 1 rope shovel. Nil
Bharatpur OCP, Angul, Odisha. M/s MCL 21.04.2013 55m high overburden dump side-casted by dragline against coal rib collapsed over a length of 150m causing fall of about 90,000 m3 rock mass inflicting fatal injury to surface miner operator and serious bodily injury to the supervisor. 1
Dhanpuri Opencast mine, Shahdol, MP M/s SECL 01.07.2014 While recovering a submerged dumper from waterlogged OCP, a portion of backfilled overburden measuring 54m (length) X 14 m (width) slided into the water, burying two (2) persons under the muck pile. 2

Rajmahal OCP mine, Godda, Jharkhand

M/s ECL 29.12.2016 OB dump / bench failure (as per preliminary report) occurred in Rajmahal OCP of ECL while operation of removal of loose OB was going on by means of excavators and tippers. At about 7.30 in the evening a large area measuring 600m x 110m slid down by 30m due to which 12 of the 30 deployed tippers and 05 excavator along with the operators got buried by the sliding OB material. 23 persons are reportedly buried under the OB dump and 18 dead bodies have been recovered till date. Rescue operations were to be suspended due to movement in strata. Further recovery operations were to be suspended due to movement in strata. A detailed plan has been drawn to remove the top overburden through benching. This plan has been put up to experts for vetting. After vetting by experts, approval of Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS) will be taken for resuming the recovery operations.

On the basis of enquiry conducted by Internal Safety Organisation of ECL, Manager of Rajmahal Opencast Project has been suspended and charge sheet has been issued to two other Officers namely Assistant Manager of the shift concerned and general shift of the project. Further, enquiry is being conducted by DGMS and a high power committee has also been constituted by Coal India Limited (CIL) to enquire into the accident and actions will be taken against the persons responsible based on the findings of the enquiry.
18 (23 persons reportedly buried in OB dump slide and only 18 bodies could be recovered till date)

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