Question : Introduction of Super Fast Trains

(a) whether the Government has plans of introducing super-fast trains connecting the major cities of the Country that have potential viability for commercial development in the near future;

(b) if so, the details of the criteria adopted by the Government to shortlist such major cities;

(c) whether the Government is aware of the fact that there are towns and villages in the State of Odisha which do not have the facilities of even an ordinary passenger train till date;

(d) If so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether the Government is planning to provide at least passenger train in those areas where there is no train connectivity in the State of Odisha and if so, the details thereof and the steps taken/being taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e) Indian Railways constantly endeavour to provide train connectivity to various stations located on the railway network. Stations located on railway network are either directly connected among themselves or connectivities, with changeover, are generally available. To cater to the needs of the travelling passengers and expand connectivity, Indian Railways, introduces new train services (including passenger services & superfast services), extends existing trains services, which are on-going processes dependent on operational feasibility, resource availability, competing demands, etc.

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