Question : Beneficiaries under PMAY(G)

(a) whether less than one-fourth of the landless beneficiaries have been provided plots to build homes under the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (PMAY)(Grameen);

(b) if so, the number and percentage of the identified landless beneficiaries provided land so far, State-wise, particularly in Maharashtra;

(c) whether the Government has reviewed the performance of scheme in the recent past and if so, the outcome thereof;

(d) whether the Government has taken up the matter with the States to overcome challenges like what land to allot to those who have no homestead land;

(e) if so, the success achieved in this regard so far;

(f) the names of the poor performing States along with the percentage of identified landless beneficiaries provided land for construction of pucca houses; and

(g) the details of homeless people in Bundelkhand and the number of such people who had received pucca house during the last five years?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f): Out of 1.03 crore houses sanctioned till 8.7.2019 under Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana - Gramin (PMAY-G), 62.92 lakh landless beneficiaries, who derive major part of their income from manual casual labour, have been sanctioned houses. State Govt./UT Administrations, responsible to provide land to the landless, are yet to provide land to 3.26 lakh landless PMAY-G beneficiaries. The State/UT-wise details, including Maharashtra, are given at Annexure-I.

Under PMAY-G, landless beneficiaries are accorded the highest priority and are on top in the Permanent Wait List. Concerned State Govts./UT Administrations are responsible to provide land to the landless PMAY-G beneficiary from the government land or any other land including public land (Panchayat common land, community land or land belonging to other local authorities). The matter of providing land to the landless PMAY-G beneficiaries is reviewed regularly by the Ministry with the States/UTs, including at the highest level in the States/UTs.

(g): The details of beneficiaries identified for assistance and the beneficiaries provided assistance under rural housing scheme during the last 5 years are available in E4 report and A2 report, respectively at website The data is drillable upto beneficiary level for the States/UTs. The number of houses sanctioned under rural housing scheme in the last 5 years in 13 districts of Bundelkhand region is given at Annexure II.


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