(a) & (b) Government of India, in partnership with States, has launched Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), which aims at providing potable water of prescribed quality at service level of 55 litre per capita per day (lpcd) to every rural household through Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by 2024with an outlay of Rs. 3.60 lakh Crore out of which central share is Rs. 2.08 lakh Crore.
After the launch of JJM, a conference of Minister in-charge of rural water supply of various States was held in New Delhi followed by five regional workshops to discuss the modalities of the implementation of the Mission. Moreover, in consultation with State Governments & other stakeholders in water sector, Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the Mission has been released on 25.12.2019.
In 2019-20, a budgetary allocation of Rs.10,000.66 Crore has been made and as on 11.03.2020, an amount of Rs. 9,542.89 Crore has been released to the States/ UTs .
(c)As reported by States/ UTs as on 01.04.2019, country had about 17.87 Crore rural households out of which around 3.27 Crore rural households were with tap connections and around 14.60 Crore rural households were to be provided with tap connections.
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