Question : Heat and Cold Wave as National Calamity

(a) whether heat waves and cold waves are both considered as national calamities under NDMA;

(b) if not, the reasons therefor; and

(c) the time since when the status of heat waves and cold waves has been changed under the NDMA?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) The issue of inclusion of any calamity in the list of notified natural calamities has been considered by the successive Finance Commissions set up under the clause (1) of article 280 of the constitution from time-to-time. The 14th Finance Commission, had inter-alia considered the proposal for inclusion of heat wave and cold wave. However, the heat wave was not included in the centrally notified list of natural calamities eligible for relief under the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)/ National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF). However, considering the need for flexibility in regard to state-specific disasters, the 14th Finance Commission has recommended that expenditure for providing immediate relief to the victims of State-specific disasters within the local context in the State, which are not included in the notified list of calamities eligible for assistance from SDRF/ NDRF, can be met from SDRF within the limit of 10% of the annual fund allocation of the SDRF subject to fulfillment of certain prescribed conditions and norms.
LS.US.Q.NO.3302 FOR 07.08.2018
With regard to cold waves, it is to inform that the damages caused due to cold waves & frost already stands included as one of the eligible natural calamity for providing assistance from SDRF/ NDRF as per the norms applicable in the wake of other notified natural calamities.


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