Question : Problem Relating to Coal Mining

(a) whether a separate forum is required for ensuring better coordination between Centre and State Governments to resolve the problems related to Coal Mining;

(b) whether the State exchequer is suffering heavy losses of revenue and registration fees due to absence of any agreement between coal companies and the State Governments;

(c) whether the Government of India propose to repeal Coal Bearing Act, 1957 or to incorporate registration provisions therein and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) if so, the steps taken/proposed to be taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) : There is already an existing forum of Inter State Council under the Ministry of Home Affairs available, inter alia for better coordination between the Centre and the States. Apart from that, regular meetings are held at the level of Minister and Secretary of the Ministry with the Ministers and Chief Secretaries of the States to resolve various issues relating to coal and PSUs under this Ministry. Power Minister’s Conferences are held periodically in which the issues relating to coal and its supplies are discussed and resolved. As such, there is no need for constitution of a separate Forum.

(b) : No State has represented to this effect.

(c) & (d): There is no proposal to repeal the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 or to add registration provisions in the Act.


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