(a) and (b) On the basis of raids conducted by security
personnel, CISF etc., the number of incidents detected and
quantity of coal recovered is given below: -
Company 2000-2001 2001-2002(Till 30.6.2001)
No. of Approx. No. of Approx. inciden Quantity of incidents Quantity of ts Coal Coal recovered recovered (In Tonnes) (In Tonnes)
ECL 2169 22353 774 8718
BCCL 17 148.54 14 18
CCL 4 244.2 Nil 65(Found Abandoned)
NCL 1 15 Nil Nil
WCL 17 265.07 2 0.9
SECL 9 107 6 123
MCL 24 95 13 4.5
NEC Nil - Nil Nil
TOTAL 2241 23228 809 8929.4
(c) The following steps are being taken by coal producing
subsidiaries of CIL to prevent theft or pilferage of coal: -
i) Collection of intelligence reports about illegal coal
depots and illegal movement of coal, and informing district
authorities of the same for taking preventive action.
ii) Installation of check-posts at vulnerable points to
check transport documents.
iii) Construction of watch towers and providing lighting
arrangements around the coal stacking area.
iv) Erection of barbed-wire/wall fencing around pit head
depots, static security manning including deployment of
armed guards during the night hours.
v) Escorting of loaded rakes upto railway weighbridges by
armed guards and joint patrolling with Railway Protection
Force in the long railway tracks which are prone to wagon
vi) Sealing of illegal mining spots.
vii) Stringent action against transport vehicles caught in
the act of theft or pilferage.
viii) Engagement of lady security guards for preventing
women and children indulging in theft/pilferage of coal,
strengthening of the security discipline by reassessing the
requirement of security personnel, horizontal movement of
executives with aptitude for security work, and inducting
qualified security personnel at junior, middle and senior
ix) Training of existing security personnel, refresher
training of CISF personnel and basic training to new
recruits in security discipline for strengthening the
security setup.
x) The coal companies maintain close liaison with the
state authorities.