(a) the number of traditional Powerloom and rapier powerloom units operating at present in the country;

(b) whether concrete measures have been taken by the Government for making available sufficient quantity of cotton and power required by these units;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government has reviewed the programmes/schemes being implemented for the revival of powerloom industry; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a): As on 31.12.2009, total number of powerlooms registered in the country were 22, 56,320 with break-up as under:

Sl.No. Types of Looms Decentralised Powerloom Sector Organised Mill Sector

1. Plain Looms 19,05,713 37,494

2. Semi-Automatic Looms 1,72,238 190

3. Automatic Looms 23,195 14,476

4. Shuttleless Looms (including Rapier Looms) 84,365 18,489

5. Tape Narrow Width 160 TOTAL 21,85,511 70,809

(b) & (c): Yes, Madam. There is sufficient quantity of cotton available freely in the open market, to meet the requirement of textile industry. The Government has estimated total supply of 373.50 lakh bales against the total demand of 305 lakh bales during the cotton season 2009-10. In case of power, being the State subject, the Government of India has written to all the State Governments to ensure uninterrupted power supply to powerloom units in their respective States.

(d) & (e): The programmes / schemes have been reviewed by the Government from time to time for development of powerloom industry. The Group Workshed Scheme (GWSS) was modified during year 2007 – 08 and subsidy for construction of workshed was increased from Rs.80/- per sq. ft. to Rs.120/- per sq. ft. The Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) was launched with effect from 1st July 2003 and was modified on 1.1.2008. Before modification, the coverage of the benefits under the Scheme was Rs.30,000/- for natural death, Rs.75,000/- for accidental death, Rs. 75,000/- for total permanent disability and Rs.37,500/- for partial permanent disability. The benefits have now been modified to the extent of Rs.60,000/- for natural death, Rs. 1,50,000/- for accidental death, Rs.1,50,000/- for total permanent disability and Rs.75,000/- for partial permanent disability. As per the modified Scheme, the total premium is Rs.330/-, out of which, Rs.150/- is to be borne by the Government of India and Rs.100/- is being paid by LIC from the social security fund of Government of India. Only a premium of Rs.80/- is to be paid by powerloom weavers for getting benefits under the said scheme.

With a view to upgrade technology of the decentralised powerloom sector, the Government announced 20% Credit linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS) under Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme(TUFS) on 16.11.2003. Under this scheme, a maximum subsidy of Rs.12.00 lakh per beneficiary was provided on capital investment up to Rs.60.00 lakh on machinery. The impact of TUFS on textile industry was evaluated and the capital ceiling on investment on machinery was increased from Rs.60.00 lakh to Rs.1.00 crore and the ceiling of subsidy per beneficiary was increased from Rs.12.00 lakh to Rs.20.00 lakh with effect from 13.01.2005. In a further review, the capital ceiling on investment on machinery under the scheme was increased from Rs.1.00 crore to Rs.2.00 crore and the Scheme was renamed as 20% Margin Money Subsidy (MMS) with effect from 1.4.2007.