(a) the details of funds allocated to the defence during each of last three years and the amount out of that spent during the said period;

(b) the reasons for not utilizing the allocated funds; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to utilize the allocated funds within the financial year?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of funds allocated to the Defence services, and the amount spent there against during, each of the last three years are as under:

(Rs. In crores)
Net Budget Estimates Actual Expenditure
2001-2002 62000.00 54265.73 2002-2003 65000.00 55661.83 2003-2004 65300.00 60030.51#
# Provisional, accounts not yet closed.

(b) The reasons for not utilizing the allocated funds are given in the Appropriation Accounts (Defence Services) for the respective years, laid on the Table of the House.

(c) In order to fully utilize the allocated funds, the status of various procurement processes and the progress of defence expenditure are kept under constant review and follow up action, as necessary, is taken. A new procurement organization has also been established to deal with acquisition on capital account for the Defence services.