Question : Deaths due to Vector Borne Diseases

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the number of deaths recorded due to various vector borne diseases in the country during each of the last three years and the current year, disease-wise, State/ UT-wise;

(b) the details of various programmes/ schemes launched and funds allocated to check vector borne diseases in the country, State/UT-wise;

(c) the details of target set/achieved for various vector borne diseases in the country;

(d) the necessary steps taken to address the issue of shortage of health workers involved in various programmes to check vector borne diseases;

(e) the steps taken for research and development of vaccines for various vector borne diseases; and

(f) the other measures taken to check spread of various vector borne diseases in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a): States/UTs deaths due to Malaria, Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis & Kala-azar given at Annexure- I.

Till date, there is no death reported by any State/UT directly attributable to Chikungunya & Filaria.

(b): The funds allocated for the vector borne disease under NVBDCP at Annexure-II.

(c): Malaria is targeted for Elimination by 2030 as per National Framework for Malaria elimination 2016-2030. Number of malaria cases have declined from 1090724 in 2016 to 840838 in 2017 in the country. The Case Fatality Rate (death per 100 cases) for Dengue is targeted to sustain <1%. Case Fatality Rate for dengue is 0.2% during 2017. The target for Chikungunya is to prevent outbreaks. No major outbreak of Chikungunya has been reported in 2017. The overall goal is to reduce morbidity and mortality due to JE. The case fatality rate due to JE has decreased from 16.8% in 2016 to 11.6% in 2017. Kala-azar is targeted for elimination. Out of 633 endemic blocks, 559 (88%) blocks achived elimination target by 2017. Lymphatic Filariasis is targeted for elimination. 38% (97 districts out of 256 districts ) have achieved elimination target of MF rate less than 1% and stopped MDA after validation through Transmission Assessment Survey (TAS).

(d): Government of India support the states by providing financial assistance for human resource under NHM and regularly advise them to fill up the vacant posts.

(e): Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) ICMR’s National Institute of Virology (Pune) developed an indigenous Japanese Encephalitis vaccine JenVac in public private partnership with Bharat Biotech which was launched by the Hon’ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare on 4th October 2013.

The Government of India initiated vaccination with Chinese JE vaccine SA-14-14-2 in endemic districts of India in 2006 against Japanese Encephalitis. Since then, this vaccine is being administered.

(f): Strategies adopted for Vector Borne Diseases prevention and control in the country.
• Early diagnosis and complete treatment
• Case based surveillance and rapid response
• Integrated Vector Management
o Indoor Residual Spray (IRS)
o Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs)/Insecticide treated Nets (ITNs)
o Larval Source Management (LSM)

• Epidemic Preparedness and Early Response
• Monitoring & Evaluation
• Advocacy, Coordination and Partnerships
• Behaviors Change Communication (BCC) and Community Mobilization
• Programme Planning and Management

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