Question : Comparative GDP

(a) the comparative GDP as per old and new series during the last ten years; and

(b) the national investment rate during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b): The new series of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation, released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), uses the corporate data of close to 5.5 lakhs companies from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The data in the desired form is available only from 2010-11 and not for earlier years. For want of a robust proxy of the corporate sector, the new series could not be back casted for comparable estimates of old and new series. As per the data released by CSO, the available GDP and the investment rate data for the 2004-05 series and 2011-12 series is given in the table below.
Gross Domestic Product and Investment Rate
Old Series (Base year 2004-05) New Series (Base year 2011-12)
GDP at Investment GDP at Investment
market price rate market price rate
(Rs Crores) (GCF to GDP) (Rs Crores) (GCF to GDP)
(per cent) (per cent)
Current Constant Current Constant
price price price price
2007-08 4987090 4250947 38.1
2008-09 5630063 4416350 34.3
2009-10 6477827 4790847 36.5
2010-11 7784115 5282386 36.5
2011-12 9009722 5633050 35.5 8736329 8736329 39.0
2012-13 10113281 5899847 34.8 9944013 9213017 38.7
2013-14* 11355073 6195842 11233522 9801370 33.8
2014-15 12445128 10536984 34.4
2015-16 13682035 11381002 33.3
2016-17* 15183709 12189854
Note: *Provisional estimates
Source: CSO

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