(a) the total number of people issued Aadhaar Card by UIDAI alongwith the funds earmarked and spent for the purpose so far, State /UT-wise;
(b) whether the targets set for issuance of the Aadhaar Card have been achieved so far, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reason therefor;
(c) whether the Government has fixed a deadline for issuance of Aadhaar cards and linking the same with bank accounts of the beneficiaries of the several welfare schemes including direct cash transfer in the country;
(d) if so, the details thereof alongwith the name of welfare schemes linked / to be linked with Aahaar Card;
(e) whether some Aadhaar cards were found to have incorrect information or were made twice, if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto alongwith the mechanism for ensuring timely redressal of various complaints regarding issue of Aadhaar Card; and
(f) the steps taken / being taken by the Government in this regard?