Question : Eklavya Scheme to Promote Literacy

(a) whether the schools functioning under Eklavya Scheme to promote literacy in tribal areas do not have permanent teachers;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the details of requests/proposals for Eklavya Residential Schools from States / UTs pending with the Government for sanction for opening of new Eklavya Residential Schools;
(d) the details of the funds allocated by the Government for establishment of such schools in the backward areas during the current year;
(e) whether the Government also proposes to include the local indigenous language of the Tribals in these schools so that a better sense of understanding can be developed between them and the Government and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(f) whether it is a fact that there is a lack of permanent quality teachers at Eklavya Model Residential Schools across the country; and
(g) if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard including to centralise the supervision and management of these schools on the pattern of Kendriya Vidyalayas?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b) As per the extant guidelines of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRSs), EMRSs are set up in the States/ UTs with the capacity of 480 students in each school under the Special Area Programme of Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India. The guidelines stipulate that each State Government/ UT Administration is solely responsible for the management and effective functioning of the EMRSs and appointment of staff, personnel matters and day-to-day running of the schools would be handled entirely by the society chosen by the State Government/UT Administration and in the manner deemed most suitable. Therefore, the subject of permanent teachers in the schools is not centrally maintained.

(c) Establishment of EMRS is a demand driven activity funded under the scheme of Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution. State Governments submit proposals for setting up of EMRSs and the proposals are then appraised and approved by the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) in the Ministry. A total number of fourteen (14) new EMRSs have been approved to be set up across the country during 2017-18.

(d) Details of release of funds for EMRSs (Non-recurring) State-wise during 2017-18 (as on date) is at Annexure-I.

(e) to (g) As stated above, each State Government/ UT Administration is solely responsible for the management and effective functioning of the EMRSs and appointment of staff, personnel matters and day-to-day running of the schools would be handled entirely by the society chosen by the State Government/UT Administration and in the manner deemed most suitable.
Annexure refer to point no. (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Q.No. 2651 to be answered on 12.03.2018
(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. States 2017-18 (as on 06.03.2018)
Non-Recurring Release
1 Andhra Pradesh 2033.85
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2600.00
3 Assam 0.00
4 Bihar 900.00
5 Chhattisgarh 3471.00
6 Goa 0.00
7 Gujarat 1650.00
8 Himachal Pradesh 600.00
9 Jammu & Kashmir 800.00
10 Jharkhand 2943.76
11 Karnataka 40.00
12 Kerala 400.00
13 Madhya Pradesh 1680.00
14 Maharashtra 3250.00
15 Manipur 839.00
16 Meghalaya 0.00
17 Mizoram 1200.00
18 Nagaland 645.00
19 Odisha 4000.00
20 Rajasthan 1000.00
21 Sikkim 0.00
22 Tamil Nadu 768.00
23 Telangana 2488.57
24 Tripura 778.18
25 Uttar Pradesh 700.00
26 Uttarakhand 220.00
27 West Bengal 0.00
Total 33007.36

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