Question : Market Share of BSNL

(a) the details of the market share of the BSNL during each of the last three years, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether the share of BSNL in telecommunication service is declining due to the alleged corrupt conduct of its officers and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government proposes to take any stringent action against such corrupt officers and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the other corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) Circle-wise details of market share of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) for the last three years is at Annexure. The data shows that the market share of BSNL was 10.21% on 31st March, 2015; 10.43% on 31st March, 2016 and 10.47% on 31st March, 2017.No correlation of any cases of corruption reported, can be established to any impact on the market share of BSNL. Action against delinquent officials is taken in specific instances as per laid down procedure in line with CVC guidelines.
(d) BSNL has drawn a comprehensive framework for augmentation/ upgradation of its network in all spheres viz. wireless network, wireline network, data network, backhaul network and bandwidth augmentation with aggressive and innovative customer centric initiatives to retain / enhance its market share.

S. No. Name of Circle No. of DELs of BSNL as on 31/03/2017 % Market share of BSNL
1 Andaman & Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 1,11,38,382 12.86
3 Assam 16,89,421 7.68
4 Bihar 43,49,840 5.12
5 Chhattisgarh
6 Gujarat 59,63,925 8.15
7 Haryana 39,98,268 15.75
8 Himachal Pradesh 23,10,394 21.84
9 Jammu & Kashmir 16,11,288 13.38
10 Jharkhand
11 Karnataka 82,57,215 11.57
12 Kerala 1,11,06,322 26.91
13 Madhya Pradesh 59,17,103 8.38
14 Maharashtra 79,23,690 8.27
15 North East - 1 8,70,457 14.10
16 North East - 2
17 Odisha 53,08,232 15.35
18 Punjab 51,27,877 13.87
19 Rajasthan 61,65,874 9.05
20 Tamil Nadu 86,46,158 11.06
21 Uttrakhand
22 Uttar Pradesh (East) 1,15,54,175 11.00
23 Uttar Pradesh (West) 61,09,636 9.11
24 West Bengal 22,28,145 3.80
25 Kolkatta 15,69,230 5.20
26 Chennai 23,23,052 17.03
Total 11,50,87,645 10.47
(1) West Bengal Telecom Circle Licensing Area includes Andman & Nicobar Circle
(2) NE-1 Telecom Circle Licensing Area includes NE-2 Circle
3) UP(W) Licensing Area includes Uttarakhand Circle
4) M.P. Licensing Area includes Chhatisgarh Circle
5) Bihar Licensing area includes Jharkhand Circle.

S. No. Name of Circle No. of DELs of BSNL as on 31/03/2016 % Market share of BSNL
1 Andaman & Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 1,09,93,618 14.39
3 Assam 15,03,449 8.03
4 Bihar 36,55,987 4.88
5 Chhattisgarh
6 Gujarat 47,81,240 7.51
7 Haryana 35,09,906 14.86
8 Himachal Pradesh 18,81,142 20.76
9 Jammu & Kashmir 14,32,181 14.40
10 Jharkhand
11 Karnataka 82,46,781 12.97
12 Kerala 97,82,409 26.72
13 Madhya Pradesh 51,51,216 7.72
14 Maharashtra 73,87,669 8.58
15 North East - 1 17,52,560 15.65
16 North East - 2
17 Odisha 44,34,794 15.10
18 Punjab 42,42,915 12.93
19 Rajasthan 46,65,616 7.66
20 Tamil Nadu 84,38,291 12.01
21 Uttrakhand
22 Uttar Pradesh (East) 92,91,943 10.02
23 Uttar Pradesh (West) 46,61,431 8.03
24 West Bengal 21,12,364 4.24
25 Kolkatta 14,52,660 5.60
26 Chennai 22,06,820 16.05
Total 10,15,84,992 10.43
(1) West Bengal Telecom Circle Licensing Area includes Andman & Nicobar Circle
(2) NE-1 Telecom Circle Licensing Area includes NE-2 Circle
3) UP(W) Licensing Area includes Uttarakh and Circle
4) M.P. Licensing Area includes Chhatisgarh Circle
5) Bihar Licensing area includes Jharkhand Circle.

S. No. Name of Circle No. of DELs of BSNL as on 31/03/2015 % Market share of BSNL
1 Andaman & Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 1,11,00,166 15.04
3 Assam 14,27,318 8.24
4 Bihar 31,64,568 4.54
5 Chhattisgarh
6 Gujarat 44,51,664 7.41
7 Haryana 30,85,927 13.77
8 Himachal Pradesh 16,28,298 20.19
9 Jammu & Kashmir 13,67,952 14.46
10 Jharkhand
11 Karnataka 81,02,863 13.43
12 Kerala 89,96,274 26.51
13 Madhya Pradesh 40,52,255 6.57
14 Maharashtra 67,88,709 8.59
15 North East - 1 16,47,665 15.50
16 North East - 2
17 Odisha 37,37,933 13.26
18 Punjab 37,90,757 11.94
19 Rajasthan 39,91,872 7.12
20 Tamil Nadu 85,59,534 12.64
21 Uttrakhand
22 Uttar Pradesh (East) 80,91,200 9.64
23 Uttar Pradesh (West) 37,49,911 7.14
24 West Bengal 18,01,176 3.79
25 Kolkatta 15,48,387 6.57
26 Chennai 21,55,425 14.02
Total 9,32,39,854 10.21

(1) West Bengal Telecom Circle Licensing Area includes Andman & Nicobar Circle
(2) NE-1 Telecom Circle Licensing Area includes NE-2 Circle
3) UP(W) Licensing Area includes Uttarakhand Circle
4) M.P. Licensing Area includes Chhatisgarh Circle
5) Bihar Licensing area includes Jharkhand Circle.


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