(a) whether 21 June has been declared as the International Yoga Day, and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the action plan drawn by the Government to promote Yoga and Naturopathy and to extend/introduce this system of medicine in schools, colleges, hospitals and offices across the country;

(c) the funds earmarked, allocated and utilised for the aforesaid purpose during each of the last three year and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(d) whether the Government has formulated any legislation for regulation of education and practice in Yoga and Naturopathy, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor along with the corrective measures being taken by the Government in this regard;

(e) whether the Government proposes to set up All India Institute of Yoga and Naturopathy, separately on the lines of All India Institute of Ayurveda and if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the other measures being taken by the Government to scale up budgetary allocation and efforts for the promotion and development of Yoga and Naturopathy?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes. The details are under finalization.

(b): Yoga and Naturopathy are promoted by this Ministry through Arogya fairs organized at National and State level. There are two National Institutes, namely Morarji Desai National Institute for Yoga (MDNIY), New Delhi and National Institute for Naturopathy (NIN), Pune and one Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN), New Delhi, who regularly conducts awareness programmes through exhibitions, seminars and conferences. They also participate in the events conducted by other reputed National and International Organizations. An outpatient Department has been built exclusively for Naturopathy treatment with equipment at Pune. Besides, its certificate courses, MDNIY has recently started degree course of B.Sc. (Yoga Science) of 3 years duration for 10+2 students. CCRYN is supporting research studies through renowned medical Institutions and Hospitals of Yoga and Naturopathy to establish the efficacy of various Yogic and Naturopathic treatment modalities in prevention and management of various disease conditions.

Education being on the Concurrent List, the curricula of the school education fall within the purview of the State/ UT Governments in respect of School Education Boards under their administrative control. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) has informed that there are 15,962 schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), who have already been advised to provide compulsory 40-45 minutes of Physical Activities or games to the students of classes I-X everyday and that students of classes XI-XII should participate in physical activity/ games/ Mass Physical Training/ Yoga for at least 2 periods per week (90-120 min/ week). The Board Offers Physical and Health Education for classes XI and XII and Yoga is compulsory part of its curriculum.

There are 18 colleges in 8 States imparting 5½ year Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS) degree and more than 50 stand alone Yoga colleges offering M.Sc./ B.Sc., Diploma and Certificate courses.

(c ): The details of funds earmarked, allocated and utilised by CCRYN, MDNIY and NIN, Pune are given at Annexure I.

(d): At present there is no Central legislation for regulation of education and practice in Yoga & Naturopathy systems. However, this Ministry has asked State Governments in 2006 to enact comprehensive legislation for the regulation of Naturopathy covering registration of Practioners, medical education etc. Further, it was recommended that in the meantime a system be set up for the registration of Practioners and the accreditation of institutes on the basis of guidelines formulated and issued by the Government of India. Some states have taken action to implement the guidelines as per details at Annexure II.

Further, the Government has undertaken discussion with the stakeholders on feasibility of regulation of Yoga & Naturopathy education and practice for maintaining quality and uniform educational standards and preventing the growth of fraudulent and fake institutions. Comments/ views of various stake holders including State/ UT Governments, Principals of BNYS degree Colleges/ degree colleges (Yoga) and Vice Chancellors of Medical Universities in all States/ UTs etc. were invited for formulating regulatory authority at the Central Level. Based on the comments received, the Government of India is evaluating various options for co-ordination of matters relating to promotion, development, standardization and accreditation of both Yoga, as well as, Naturopathy practices, training and therapies.

(e): The Government proposes to set up All India Institute of Yoga.

(f): The Government has decided to celebrate 21st June, as International Day of Yoga, in a befitting manner on a global scale to promote and propagate Yoga.

A scheme has been formulated to conduct certificate course in Yoga science for specific target groups.

Government provides grants under Extra Mural Research scheme to research organizations to encourage research on Yoga and Naturopathy also.

The Government ensures that adequate funds are provided for promotion of Yoga and Naturopathy.