Question : National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility

(a) whether the Government has allocated an amount of Rs. 5990 cr for the benefit of farmers in Tamil Nadu through National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the total number of farmers who would be benefitted in the State of Tamil Nadu;

(c) whether the Government has also issued instructions to the State of Tamil Nadu and other national banks in the State in this regard; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the follow-up actions proposed by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) & (b) Agriculture Infrastructure Fund aims at providing a medium-long term debt financing facility till 2025-2026 through interest subvention and financial support through credit guarantee for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management infrastructure and community farming assets. Under this scheme, Tamil Nadu has been allocated a tentative target to sanction loans worth Rs. 5990 crores. The State-wise allocated target is indicative in nature and calculated based on the share of the state in the agriculture production of the country and interest subvention and CGTMSE fee is being reimbursed to lending institutions in each state on first cum first serve basis, depending on the loans sanctioned by them. The overall financial limit of the scheme will remain Rs. 1 lakh crore under the fund.

The details of sanction and disbursement under AIF in the State of Tamil Nadu as of now, is presented in the following table:

Amount in Rupees crore
SN Beneficiary Type Sanction Disbursement
No. Amount No. Amount
1 Primary Agricultural Credit Society* 201 310 46 7
2 Agri-Entrepreneur 22 14 13 10
3 Farmer 19 8 14 4
4 Start-up 2 1 2 1
5 Farmer Producers Organization 1 1 1 0
Grand Total 245 333 76 21
*The sanction of Primary Agriculture Credit Society includes in-principle sanction by cooperative institutions

(c) & (d) Yes, Sir. The Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has been conducting regular follow-up Video Conferences with the State nodal officer, NABARD officials and other stakeholders. The Department has signed MoU with all major Public sector banks, Private sector banks, NBFCs, Cooperative Banks and Small Finance banks under the scheme and conducting regular review meeting with Bank nodal officers. The Department has also conducted workshop for several stakeholders of Tamil Nadu on 1st September 2021 which was attended by more than 150 participants.

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