(a) whether 2500 acres of defence land has reportedly been given on lease to private parties for a meagre amount;

(b) if so, the details thereof including the names of the private parties including the lease amount received by the Government for said land;

(c) whether the defence land is illegally being used for golf, parks and clubs etc., in the country and if so, the details thereof, State / UT-wise and the action taken by the Government in this regard;

(d) whether the Government proposes to establish a single unified authority to manage the defence land in the country and if so, the details thereof and the time by which such authority will be established; and

(e) the other steps taken by the Government including digitisation of defence land records to check illegal encroachment of defence land?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): About 4200 acres of defence land had been given on lease to private parties under the provisions of the Cantonment Codes 1899 and 1912 and the Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1925 and 1937. These leases were given long time back, and the lease rent and premium (wherever applicable) was fixed at that point of time based on the prevalent land value. This lease rent is enhanced as per the terms and conditions of the lease-deed which permit enhancement of lease rent upto 50% at the time of renewal of lease. At present, the annual lease rent is about Rs.148 lakhs. There are about 6300 leases that were given to private parties. Names of private parties to whom leases have been given and the rent received are not maintained centrally.

(c) Four Golf courses are running on leased defence land as per law on leasing of defence land. Key Location Plan (KLP) authorises open spaces and playfields in a military station / cantonment. These open spaces and playfields help in maintaining the ecological balance of the area as well as in training of troops. Many sporting activities including golf are undertaken on these open spaces. Defence land is also used for parks, clubs and institutes for recreational purposes of the defence personnel and residents of cantonment areas. Details of these are however not maintained centrally.

(d) There is no proposal to establish a single unified authority. Under the existing arrangements, the day-to-day administration of defence lands including prevention and removal of encroachments is done by the user agencies viz. Army, Air Force, Navy, DRDO, Ordnance Factories, DGDE etc. to whose management the land has been entrusted. The records of all defence land are, however, maintained by the DGDE.
(e) The Government has under taken the following steps to check encroachment:-

(i) Digitization of land records and Survey, Demarcation and Verification of Defence lands.

(ii) Detailed instructions emphasizing the need for ensuring vigilance, detection and prevention of new encroachments have been issued by the Ministry. For removal of encroachments on defence land action is taken under the provisions of Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971 as well as under the Cantonments Act, 2006.