(a) & (b) : Government of India has launched two schemes namely Rajiv
Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana(RGGVY) and Restructured Accelerated
Power Development & Reforms Programme(R-APDRP).
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana(RGGVY)
Under RGGVY, there is no upfront allocation of funds for any State
including Karnataka. Funds are released against sanctioned projects in
installments based on the reported utilization of amount in the previous
installment(s) and fulfillment of other conditionalities. Cumulatively, an amount
of Rs. 23887.21 crore has been released in the country for the sanctioned
projects under RGGVY, as on 31.01.2011. The State-wise details of funds
released for the sanctioned projects under RGGVY during the last one year &
current year, is at Annex-I.
Restructured Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme(R-APDRP)
Government of India launched Restructured-Accelerated Power
Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) during 11th Plan period as a
central sector scheme to encourage energy audit and accounting through IT
intervention and to reduce the AT&C losses upto 15%.The programme size of
the R-APDRP scheme is Rs.51,577 Crore. The focus of R-APDRP Scheme is on
actual demonstrable performance by utilities in terms of sustained AT&C loss
reduction. Projects under the scheme are being taken up in two Parts. Part-A
includes the projects for IT applications for energy accounting /auditing, GIS,
consumer indexing, SCADA & IT based consumer service centers etc. and Part-
B includes regular distribution strengthening projects including separation of
agricultural feeders from domestic and industrial ones and High Voltage
Distribution System (HVDS) etc.
Under Part-A of R-APDRP, 1401 towns at an estimated Cost of
Rs.5177 Crore have been approved for 29 States/UTs. Part-A SCADA projects
for 18 towns of 3 states have also been sanctioned at an estimated Cost of
Rs.471.58 Crores. Under Part-B of R-APDRP, so far 775 projects at the cost of
Rs.14854.43 Crore have been approved to 13 States.
The details of projects sanction under Part-Aof R-APDRP & Part B
of R-APDRP are at Annex-II & Annex-III respectively.