Question : PMKSY in Uttar Pradesh

(a) whether work is being carried out under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) in the country, particularly in Shahjahanpur and Misrikh Parliamentary Constituencies of Uttar Pradesh;
(b) if so, the details thereof, particularly in Shahjahanpur and Misrikh Parliamentary Constituencies including updated status in Uttar Pradesh as on date; and
(c) the details of the Central funds allocated including the utilization of the said funds during each of the last three years, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) to (c): The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) is being implemented in the country with the objective of enhancing physical access of water and expansion of cultivable area under assured irrigation, improvement of on-farm water use efficiency, introduction of sustainable water conservation practices etc. The PMKSY has the following components:
i. PMKSY-Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): This component is implemented by Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (DoWR,RD&GR). It focuses on faster completion of ongoing Major / Medium Irrigation projects.

During 2016-17, ninety-nine (99) on-going Major/Medium irrigation projects in the country under PMKSY-AIBP have been prioritised for completion in a phased manner. Out of these 99 prioritized projects, AIBP works of 46 prioritized projects has been reported to be completed during 2016-17 to 2020-21. An Additional irrigation potential of 22.74 lakh hectare has been reported to be created by these projects in the country, during this period.

Out of the ninety-nine projects, four projects are in Uttar Pradesh and works of one project has been reported to be completed. During the year 2016-17 to 2020-21, an additional irrigation potential of 743.87 thousand ha has been reported to be created by these four projects. However, none of the above projects has its command in Shahjahanpur or Misrikh Parliamentary Constituencies of Uttar Pradesh.

State wise details of Central Assistance released and expenditure during last three years under PMKSY-AIBP is given at Annexure I.

ii. PMKSY-Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP): This component is implemented by DoWR,RD&GR. Works related to Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) are being carried out under HKKP. The schemes of Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) and Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies are also part of this component. The details of these schemes are as under :

• CAD&WM: Central assistance under CAD&WM has been restricted to 99 prioritized AIBP projects in 18 states in the year 2016. Presently, 88 projects (including 1 project for non-structural intervention) have been included under this scheme targeting additional Culturable Command Area (CCA) of 45 lakh hectares.
In the State of Uttar Pradesh, there are 4 CAD projects namely (i) Arjun Sahayak; (ii) Saryu Nahar; (iii) Madhya Ganga; and (iv) Bansagar project. Out of these projects, 2 projects namely Arjun Sahayak and Saryu Nahar Pariyojna have been included under CADWM program. However, the command areas of these 2 projects do not cover Shahjahanpur and Misrikh Parliamentary Constituencies.

State wise details of Central Assistance released and expenditure incurred during last three years under CAD&WM is given at Annexure II.

• SMI and RRR of Water Bodies: From 2015-16 to 2020-21, total 3.446 lakh ha and 1.1998 lakh ha potential achieved under SMI and RRR of Water Bodies schemes respectively.

No SMI scheme is ongoing in the State of Uttar Pradesh. Two clusters of 8 and 12 water bodies in the districts of Jhansi, Mahoba, Banda and Lalitpur with a targeted potential of 0.03447 Lakh Hectare were included under RRR scheme in this State. Till March 2021, total 8 schemes have been reported to be completed with achievement of 0.02354 lakh hectare Irrigation potential in the State.

State wise details of Central Assistance released/utilized during last three years under SMI and RRR of Water Bodies schemes is given at Annexure III & IV respectively.

iii. PMKSY- Watershed Development Component (WDC): This component is implemented by Department of Land Resources (DoLR). The DoLR has sanctioned 8214 watershed development projects under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) w.e.f. 26.02.2009 for development of rainfed / degraded areas in 28 States(now 27 States and 2 UTs of the Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh) including Uttar Pradesh. Out of this 612 projects were sanctioned in 72 districts of Uttar Pradesh including 31 and 7 projects sanctioned in districts under Misrikh and Shahjahanpur parliamentary constituencies respectively.

As per the decision at the highest level, 174 projects of Batch-III (sanctioned in 2011-12), 64 projects of Batch-IV (sanctioned in 2012-13), 67 projects of Batch V (sanctioned in 2013-14) & 58 projects of Batch-VI (sanctioned in 2014-15), total 363 (including 19 and 4 projects in Misrikh and Shahjanpur parliamentary constituencies respectively) were transferred to the State Government of Uttar Pradesh for implementation through its own resources. Therefore, DoLR has been effectively implementing 249 projects (including 12 and 3 projects in Misrikh and Shahjanpur parliamentary constituencies respectively) and all of these projects have been reported completed.

State wise details of Central Assistance released and expenditure incurred during last three years under PMKSY-WDC is given at Annexure V.

iv. PMKSY- Per Drop More Crop (PDMC): This component is implemented by Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA&FW). It focuses on water use efficiency at farm level through Micro Irrigation viz. Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems. Under the PDMC, Micro irrigation area of 59.37 lakh ha has been covered in the country from 2015-16 to till date including in the State of Uttar Pradesh. As regard to Uttar Pradesh, an area of 2.69 lakh ha have been covered under Micro Irrigation which includes 6337 ha in Misrikh and 2114 ha in Shahjahanpur Parliamentary Constituencies.
State wise details of Central Assistance released and utilised during last three years under PMKSY-PDMC is given at Annexure VI.

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