Question : Features of Organic Farming

(a) the main features of organic farming;

(b) the details of the funds sanctioned, allocated and spent for this purpose during the last three years in the State of Rajasthan and Assam

(c) the details of the facilities being provided in the States of Rajasthan and Assam by the Government for the said farming;

(d) the details of the target fixed and achievements made so far in the States of Rajasthan and Assam under the said scheme including the outcome thereof;

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to promote organic farming in the country including Rajasthan and Assam and if so, the details thereof;

(f) whether the demand for organic farming has increased in the country during the last few years; and

(g) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): organic farming is a sustainable agriculture system that excludes the use of synthetic inputs in farming and relies on on-farm inputs such as crop residues, farmyard manure, enriched composts, vermi-compost, oil cakes, bio-fertilizers etc for nutrient management of crops. Similarly, pests and diseases are managed by eco-friendly farming practices of crop rotation, trap crops, bio-pesticides like neem-based formulations, bio control agents, mechanical traps, stale seed bed etc. adoption of organic farming practices produces safe food, reduces cost of production, improves soil health and health in mitigating the climate change and global warming by reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers

(b) to (e): Government of India has been promoting Organic farming in the country through dedicated schemes namely Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) since 2015-16 to cater to the needs of domestic and export markets respectively. Both the schemes stress on end to end support to organic farmers i.e. from production to certification and marketing. Post harvest management support including processing, packing, marketing is made integral part of these schemes to encourage organic farmers including in the State of Rajasthan and Assam.

Under PKVY farmers are provided financial assistance of Rs 50,000 per hectare/ 3 years is given, out of which Rs. 31,000 (61%) is provided directly through DBT for inputs bio fertilisers, bio-pesticides, organic manure, compost, vermi-compost, botanical extracts etc.
In Rajasthan, since 2015-16, a total of Rs 97.60 crore has been released for 6150 clusters for 1.23 lakh ha area and 3.07 lakh farmers have been benefited. An amount of total Rs 23.81 crore has been released to Assam for 220 clusters benefitting 11000 farmers for 4400 ha area taken up in 2015-16 under this scheme. As of now North Eastern Region is not part of PKVY, since a dedicated scheme, Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER), was launched. Farmers are given assistance of Rs 25000/ha/3 years for, organic inputs including organic manure and bio-fertilizers etc. for NE States including the State of Assam. In Assam, since 2015-16, a total amount of Rs 56.12 crore has been released. Total 6,926 ha area has been covered benefiting 10,165 farmers and 18 FPC has been formed against the target of 10,000 ha area and 20 Farmers Producers Company (FPC). The state-wise area is given at Annexure –I. The details of released of funds in Assam & Rajasthan are given at Annexure -II.

(f) & (g): Yes, the demand of organic farming has increased in domestic market during last few years. According to the joint study of ASSOCHAM –EY, the domestic organic market is growing @ 17% and the projected demand of organic food market is likely to cross 87.1 crore by 2021 from the Rs. 53.3 crore in 2016.
The demand in international market has also increased in last 3 years. The country wise detail of organic products exported during last three year (2017-2020) is given at Annexure-III.

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