Question : Archaeological Studies on Human Civilisation

(a) the steps taken to foster and forge coordination and cooperation among nations in the field of research in evolution and development of human civilizations around the world;

(b) details regarding specific archaeological studies and activities being undertaken to trace the history of development of human civilizations in the Indian sub-continent; and

(c) whether any pyramid like structure has ever been discovered from the archaeological excavation works undertaken in India so far and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has been extending permissions to research scholars of various countries to carry out field work in India in collaboration with Indian scholars.

(b) On recommendation of Standing Committee of Central Advisory Board of Archaeology (SC of CABA) project of various State Govt. Universities, Research Institutions, and ASI have been approved and permission accordingly issued for undertaking excavations, explorations and research projects in different parts of India.

Besides two committee have been constituted by Minister of Culture for specific archaeological studies:

1. Meeting of Advisory Committee for Multidisciplinary Study of the River Sarasvati.
2. Meeting of Holistic study of origin and evolution of Indian Culture since 12000 years before present and its interface with other cultures of the World.

(c) No, Madam.

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