(a) whether the Government is considering to fix the tenure for the representatives in various sports councils/federations/ authorities for members and office bearers to bring transparency in the working and to check the monopoly of a few individuals in sports in India by implementing new sports code;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken to streamline the functioning of sports authorities and to encourage involvement of sportspersons in sport councils rather than high profile dignitaries or politicians;

(c) whether some of sports federations have expressed reservation in accepting the new sports code; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Madam, Government has already issued guidelines imposing age and tenure limits in respect of office bearers of National Sports Federations (NSFs), including those of the Indian Olympic Association. These have further been reiterated in the National Sports Development Code of India-2011, which has been made effective from 31-1-2011. The sailent features of these guidelines are as under:

(i) The President of any recognized National Sports Federation, including the Indian Olympic Association can hold office for a maximum period of twelve years with or without break.

(ii) The Secretary (Secretary General/General Secretary) and the Treasurer of any recognized National Sports Federation, including the Indian Olympic Association, may serve a maximum of two successive terms of four years each after which a minimum cooling off period of 4 years will apply to seek fresh election to either post.

(iii) The President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of any recognized National Sports Federation, including the Indian Olympic Association, shall cease to hold the post on attaining the age of 70 years.

It is also mandatory for every NSF to have at least 25% sportspersons in their management committee with voting rights. Compliance with the directions of the Government by the NSFs has been made mandatory to receive government recognition and thereby become eligible to receive financial as well as other forms of assistance from the Government of India.

(c) &(d):All recognized NSFs have agreed to abide by the National Sports Development Code except the Archery Association of India. The Government has de-recognized it. Also, the Indian Olympic Association has filed a writ petition in Delhi High Court challenging the age and tenure guidelines for the office bearers of the NSFs.