Question : Ground Water Level

(a) whether adequate steps have been taken to improve underground water level in the districts of Jhansi and Lalitpur;
(b) if so, the details and the current status thereof along with the time by which the residents of Jhansi and Lalitpur will have cent per cent access to potable water;
(c) whether the ponds, lakes and wells have been modified/rejuvenated appropriately so as to enable residents of Jhansi and Lalitpur to fetch potable water from these sources and if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the quantum of funds the Government of Uttar Pradesh is required to provide towards making water pipelines fully operational in Jhansi and Lalitpur?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.



(a) to (d) Water being a State subject, initiatives on water management including conservation, artificial recharge to ground water, provision of potable water etc in the Country is primarily States’ responsibility. Further, Government of India supplements the efforts of States by providing financial and technical assistance through various schemes and programmes.

Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) is implementing National Aquifer Mapping and Management program (NAQUIM), which envisages mapping of aquifers (water bearing formations), their characterization and development of Aquifer Management Plans to facilitate sustainable management of Ground Water Resources. The NAQUIM work has been completed for Jhansi and Lalitpur districts and the water management plan has been shared with the State Governments.

Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) is implementing ‘Rajya Bhujal Sankrashan Mission’ for 271 blocks and 22 cities including all the blocks of Bundelkhand Region. The objective of the scheme is to converge all the works of different departments for holistic management of ground water resources in these blocks including Supply side and Demand side interventions. Further, they have launched ‘Khet Talab Yojana’ at various districts in the State including Jhansi and Lalitpur for effective harvesting of rainwater wherein small and medium size ponds are being created.

As per provisions contained in Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), public works relating to National Resources Management i.e. water conservation and water harvesting structures to augment and improve ground water like underground dykes, earthen dams, stop dams, check dams with special focus on recharging ground water including drinking water sources are permissible activity.

The water conservation and water harvesting works undertaken under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in the district of Jhansi and Lalitpur as uploaded by the States in the Management Information system (MIS) are as under:
Water conservation and water harvesting under MGNREGS – 2019-20
District Completed Ongoing
Number of works Expenditure (Rs. In lakh) Number of works Expenditure (Rs. In lakh)
Jhansi 336 124.16 1680 988.66
Lalitpur 365 112.78 2534 1853.27

The renovation of traditional water bodies under MGNREGS in the district of Jhansi and Lalitpur as uploaded by the State in the Management Information System (MIS) are as under:

Renovation of traditional water bodies under MGNREGS – 2019-20
District Completed Ongoing
Number of works Expenditure (Rs. In lakh) Number of works Expenditure (Rs. In lakh)
Jhansi 18 3.7 59 19.87
Lalitpur 170 76.83 923 601.4



Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) – Har Khet ko Pani- Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies two clusters of water bodies, namely, cluster of 12 water bodies of Lalitpur and 3 water bodies of Jhansi have been taken up.

Drinking water is a State subject and Government of India supplements the efforts of States by providing financial and technical assistance to States/UTs including Uttar Pradesh. It is the States that plan, design, approve, implement, operate and maintain rural water supply schemes. Further, to enable every rural household in all States/UTs including Uttar Pradesh to have Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) for providing potable water at service level of 55 litres per capita per day (lpcd) by 2024, Government of India has launched Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM). Under JJM, Rs 947.14 Crore has been allocated for the financial year 2019-20 to the State of Uttar Pradesh, out of which Rs 623.57 Crore has been released, which can be used by the State to provide potable water in rural areas including Jhansi and Lalitpur.

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, through “Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)”, supplements the efforts of the States/ Union Territories (UTs) in providing water supply, sewerage & septage management, storm water drainage etc in 500 cities including Jhansi and Lalitpur. Under AMRUT Mission, individual projects are selected, appraised, approved and implemented by the concerned State Government. The Ministry only approves State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs) and releases Central Assistance (CA) as per the Mission guidelines. In water supply sector, Government of Uttar Pradesh has taken up four projects worth Rs.1,219.56 crore in Jhansi city and two projects worth Rs.44.99 crore in Lalitpur city.

Further, Water being a State subject, initiatives on water harvesting/conservation is primarily States’ responsibility. However, other steps taken by the Central Government to control ground water depletion are at the following URL:


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